Passenger screening gimmick stuck at the gate | The Register: "The US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is behind schedule in developing a new ...
Eu domain jumps final hurdle | The Register: "The .eu domain may finally come alive, five years after its conception... you might be able to actually buy an ...
Apr 6, 2005 · "All we did was register a forum (which has now been taken down by the service provider, but we have a backup) and fill it with fictional posts ...
Jul 3, 2005 · The bug is pretty serious. It eats up the PC's memory forcing the user to reboot, or use a third-party digitizer, and had been plaguing users ...
Jun 6, 2005 · Altre info da The Register: "The bogus emails attempt to seed infection of a new downloader Trojan, Small-AXR, contained in a pics.scr file ...
Intel l'unica ad opporsi alla riduzione della sentenza Betamax Sony (Fair Use). Silent tech majority invites Mickey Mouse to poison P2P | The Register: "...
Mar 21, 2005 · As a licensee you must agree to pay Microsoft $50,000 up front in Prepaid Royalties. Then depending on the number of users your product has, you ...
Apr 3, 2005 · Phone DRM too expensive, say carriers | The Register "Mobile phone networks dissatisfaction with the copyright interests has gone public.
May 9, 2005 · Firefox exploit targets zero day vulns | The Register: "Security researchers have discovered two unpatched vulnerabilities in Firefox, ...
Apr 6, 2018 · Butac.it, one of Italy's leading debunking sites, was taken completely offline Friday morning (local time) by order of the Court of Bologna.