user generated content site:masternewmedia.org da www.masternewmedia.org
30 mag 2007 · User-generated content is one of the cornerstones of Web 2.0, evident everywhere you look, from social bookmarking to video sharing, ...
user generated content site:masternewmedia.org da www.masternewmedia.org
28 dic 2005 · While user-generated content outlets and tools will certainly continue to heat up as media properties, publishers across the board will be ...
15 nov 2005 · Articles in Gather are sorted by highest user ratings, most read, favorite topics and by the pick of Gather editors. Publishing allows authors ...
4 gen 2007 · User generated content - also known as consumer generated media - has transformed the new media landscape. Newspapers, TV networks and web ...
29 mag 2009 · Social media speak to a new way of understanding how individual users are interacting with branded content via online publishers, social ...
A detailed guide to curating high-quality content, establishing trust with the audience, and creating an effective publishing strategy.
Robin Good: Interesting discussion and video: is social media sharing equivalent to "curation"? Is it more important to create or to curate?
17 ott 2007 · Website designers are approaching information design differently and designing simple, interactive websites which incorporate advancements in ...
Mashups are an exciting genre of interactive Web applications that draw upon content retrieved from external data sources to create entirely new and ...
user generated content site:masternewmedia.org da www.masternewmedia.org
Key traits, requirements, and features that future curation tools will need to integrate to significantly improve information gatherers and curators' jobs.