
Rio delle Amazzoni

Fiume in America Meridionale
Il Rio delle Amazzoni è un fiume dell'America meridionale, che nasce nel Nevado Mismi a 5.600 metri sul livello del mare nel dipartimento di Arequipa, in Perù, attraversa il Perù, la Colombia e il ... Wikipedia
Sorgente: Mantaro River
Lunghezza: 3.977 mi
Portata: 7.381.000 ft³/s
Altitudine sorgente: 5 179 m s.l.m.

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Amazon river da en.wikipedia.org
The Amazon River in South America is the largest river by discharge volume of water in the world, and the longest or second-longest river system in the ...
Amazon river da www.britannica.com
17 apr 2024 · The river system originates in the Andes Mountains of Peru and travels through Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Brazil before emptying ...
Amazon river da www.livescience.com
5 apr 2022 · The Amazon River is a massive, intricate water system weaving through one of the most vital and complex ecosystems in the world — the Amazon ...
Amazon river da wwf.panda.org
There are no roads to get there. ... The Amazon River has its source high in the Peruvian Andes, at an elevation of 5,598 m. There, at a mere 192 km from the ...
Amazon river da simple.wikipedia.org
The Amazon River (also called Rio Amazonas in Portuguese and Spanish) is the largest river in the world by the amount or volume of water it carries.
Amazon river da kids.britannica.com
The Amazon is the longest river in South America. The Amazon begins in the Andes Mountains in Peru. From there it flows north and then east through Brazil. It ...
Amazon river da www.treehugger.com
1. The Amazon River Once Flowed in the Opposite Direction. Between 65 and 145 million years ago, the Amazon River flowed towards the Pacific Ocean, in the ...
Amazon river da education.nationalgeographic.org
The Amazon Basin supports the world's largest rainforest, which accounts for more than half the total volume of rainforests in the world. Grades.
Amazon river da wwf.panda.org
The Amazon River flows for more than 6,600 km, and with its hundreds of tributaries and streams contains the largest number of freshwater fish species in the ...
Amazon river da earthobservatory.nasa.gov
12 mar 2023 · The mighty Amazon River carries a huge amount of sediment and occasionally delivers muddy water to nearby lakes.