Erwin Neher da www.nobelprize.org
Erwin Neher held his Nobel Lecture on 9 December 1991, at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm. He was presented by Professor Sten Grillner of the Karolinska ...
Erwin Neher da en.wikipedia.org
Erwin Neher is a German biophysicist, specializing in the field of cell physiology. For significant contribution in the field, in 1991 he was awarded, ...
Erwin Neher

Erwin Neher

Erwin Neher è un biofisico tedesco, premio Nobel per la medicina nel 1991, insieme a Bert Sakmann, per aver inventato la tecnica di patch clamp per lo studio dei canali ionici nella cellula. Nel 1986, sempre insieme a Bert Sakmann, vinse il Louisa... Wikipedia
Le persone hanno chiesto anche
Erwin Neher da www.mpg.de
Erwin Neher is Director and Scientific Member at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry (since 1983).
Erwin Neher da www.britannica.com
Erwin Neher, German physicist who was a corecipient, with Bert Sakmann, of the 1991 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for research into basic cell ...
Erwin Neher da www.nobelprize.org
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1991 was awarded jointly to Erwin Neher and Bert Sakmann "for their discoveries concerning the function of single ...
Erwin Neher da gruber.yale.edu
Erwin Neher studied physics in Munich and at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He received a PhD from the Institute of Technology in Munich in 1970.
Erwin Neher da royalsociety.org
Professor Erwin Neher ForMemRS. Through his innovative research, Erwin Neher opened up a whole new field in cellular and membrane biology.
Erwin Neher da www.mpinat.mpg.de
We specialize on problems of synaptic short-term plasticity, on factors governing the availability of secretory vesicles, as well as on developmental aspects of ...
Erwin Neher is a German biophysicist. His core research area has been signal mechanisms in cells. Neher and the German physician Bert Sakmann were jointly ...
My research interests are calcium signals, second messengers, control of secretion and neurotransmitter release, mechanisms of short-term synaptic plasticity ...