European Economic Community da en.wikipedia.org
The European Economic Community (EEC) was a regional organisation created by the Treaty of Rome of 1957, aiming to foster economic integration among its ...
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Comunità economica europea (European Economic Community)

La Comunità Economica Europea è stata un'organizzazione di Stati europei istituita il 25 marzo 1957, contestualmente alla Comunità europea dell'energia atomica, mediante la sottoscrizione del Trattato di Roma, entrato in vigore il 1º gennaio 1958.... Wikipedia
Fondazione: 25 marzo 1957, Belgio
Fondatore: Sei fondatori
Scopo: sociale, culturale, economico, progresso tecnologico, trasporti, sicurezza
Abbreviazione: CEE, CE
Area di azione: 2 252 075,26 km²
Scioglimento: 1º dicembre 2009
Sede centrale: Bruxelles

European Economic Community da www.britannica.com
2 mag 2024 · European Community (EC), former association designed to integrate the economies of Europe. The term also refers to the “European Communities ...
Former regional organisation that aimed to bring about economic integration among its member states. It was created by the Treaty of Rome of 1957.
European Economic Community da european-union.europa.eu
Timeline of major events in EU history. How the EU has developed over the decades. Visionary men and women who inspired the creation of the modern-day EU.
The European Community (EC) was an economic association formed by six European member countries in 1957, consisting of three communities that eventually ...
European Economic Community da www.econlib.org
Community countries subsidize the domestic production of agricultural goods despite their comparative disadvantage. Consumers pay high prices as the twelve ...
European Economic Community da en.wikipedia.org
The EEA links the EU member states and three of the four EFTA states (Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway) into an internal market governed by the same basic ...
The European Economic Area ( EEA ). The EEA includes EU countries and also Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. It allows them to be part of the EU 's single ...
European Economic Community da www.britannica.com
The EEC created a common market that featured the elimination of most barriers to the movement of goods, services, capital, and labour, the prohibition of most ...
European Economic Community da courses.lumenlearning.com
The European Economic Community (EEC) was a regional organization that aimed to integrate its member states economically. It was created by the Treaty of Rome ...