
La signora del venerd́

1940 ‧ Commedia/Romantico ‧ 1h 32m
7,8/10 · IMDb 99% · Rotten Tomatoes
Il produttore di un giornale tenta di impedire alla propria ex moglie, una famosa giornalista che lavora per lui, di risposarsi. Per questo le affida un servizio speciale proprio quando lei annuncia di voler lasciare il lavoro.
Data di uscita: 18 gennaio 1940 (Stati Uniti)
Regista: Howard Hawks
Adattato da: The Front Page
Anno: 1940
Casa di produzione: Columbia Pictures

His Girl Friday da en.wikipedia.org
His Girl Friday is a 1940 American screwball comedy film directed by Howard Hawks, starring Cary Grant and Rosalind Russell and featuring Ralph Bellamy and ...
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Valutazione (63.322)
Opening credits prologue: It all happened in the "Dark Ages" of the newspaper game--when to a reporter "Getting that story" justified anything short of murder.
His Girl Friday da www.criterion.com
One of the fastest, funniest, and most quotable films ever made, His Girl Friday stars Rosalind Russell as reporter Hildy Johnson, a standout among cinema's ...
His Girl Friday da www.rottentomatoes.com
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Anchored by stellar performances from Cary Grant and Rosalind Russell, His Girl Friday is possibly the definitive screwball romantic comedy. Read Critics ...
His Girl Friday da www.amazon.com
Valutazione (1.272) · 7,98 USD
The characters are very colorful. The story is basically about how a newspaper run by Cary Grant is trying to stop the execution of a disturbed communist who ...
His Girl Friday da www.amazon.com
Valutazione (1.272)
A newspaper editor uses every trick in the book to keep his ace reporter ex-wife from remarrying.
His Girl Friday da secure.michtheater.org
But when Hildy discovers Williams may be innocent, her reporter instincts take over. From writer/director Howard Hawks. NR | 1h 32m | ...