
Impressione, levar del sole

Dipinto di Claude Monet
Impressione, levar del sole, noto anche come Impressione, sole nascente, è un dipinto del pittore francese Claude Monet, realizzato nel 1872. L'opera è solitamente esposta al Musée Marmottan Monet di Parigi, ma sarà in prestito al Museo d’Orsay... Wikipedia
Artista: Claude Monet
Soggetto: Le Havre
Data di creazione: 1872–1872
Supporto: Colore ad olio
Dimensioni: 1 ft 7 in x 2 ft 1 in

Impression, Sunrise da en.wikipedia.org
Impression, Sunrise depicts the port of Le Havre, Monet's hometown. It is usually displayed at the Musée Marmottan Monet but is currently on loan at the Musée d ...
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This famous painting, Impression, Sunrise, was created from a scene in the port of Le Havre. Monet depicts a mist, which provides a hazy background to the ...
Impression, Sunrise da fondation-monet.com
'Impression, sunrise' disappeared for five years, before being miraculously rediscovered in 1990 in an apartment in Porto-Vecchio, Southern Corsica, following ...
Impression, Sunrise da smarthistory.org
8 ago 2023 · Claude Monet's Impression, Sunrise is best known for being the painting that established Impressionism as a new movement in art history, as it ...
Impression, Sunrise da www.britannica.com
29 apr 2024 · Impression, Sunrise, is an oil painting created by Claude Monet in 1872. The artistic movement known as Impressionism owes its name to this ...
'Impression, sunrise' was created in 1872 by Claude Monet in Impressionism style. Find more prominent pieces of cityscape at Wikiart.org – best visual art ...
The painting is strongly atmospheric rather than analytical and has a spirit somewhat akin to Turner's works. Nevertheless, it does illustrate particularly well ...
Impression, Sunrise da www.artstorywalks.com
Learn about one of the first masterpiece of Monet: Impression: Sunrise. The painting which gave his name to the Impressionist movement.
Impression, Sunrise da commons.wikimedia.org
Impression, Sunrise (1872). Oil on canvas, 48 × 63 cm (18.9 × 24.8 in). Musée Marmottan Monet, Paris. español (formal). Claude Monet, "Impressione, levar ...
Impression, Sunrise da www.artble.com
Claude Monet painted Impression: Sunrise in 1872 in Le Havre, France. The scene is a natural look at the docks in the town and is a concentration on the ...