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Papa Giovanni Paolo II

Papa Giovanni Paolo II

Ex Papa
Papa Giovanni Paolo II č stato il 264ŗ papa della Chiesa cattolica e vescovo di Roma, 6ŗ sovrano dello Stato della Cittą del Vaticano. Fu eletto papa il 16 ottobre 1978. Wikipedia
Nascita: 18 maggio 1920, Wadowice, Polonia
Fratelli e sorelle: Olga Wojtyła e Edmund Wojtyła
Cardinali creati: vedi Concistori di papa Giovanni Paolo II

Le persone hanno chiesto anche
Karol Józef Wojtyła. Nascita, Wadowice, 18 maggio 1920. Ordinazione diaconale, 20 ottobre 1946 dal cardinale Adam Stefan Sapieha. Ordinazione sacerdotale, 1ŗ ...
Eventually, Wojtyła rose to the position of Archbishop of Kraków and then a cardinal, both positions held by his mentor. Wojtyła was elected pope on the third ...
Pope John Paul II St. Karol Józef Wojtyła. ... Karol Józef Wojtyła †. Deceased. Pope (Roma {Rome} ... Cardinal-Priest of San Cesareo in Palatio. 18 Feb ...
Karol Cardinal Wojtyla da www.usccb.org
On October 16, 1978, Cardinal Karol Wojtyla, Archbishop of Krakow, was elected the 263rd successor to Saint Peter and chose the name John Paul II in honor ...
Karol Cardinal Wojtyla da www.britannica.com
Wojtyła was made a cardinal in June 1967. As cardinal archbishop of Kraków, he worked closely with Poland's powerful primate cardinal, Stefan Wyszyński, ...
Karol Cardinal Wojtyla da czestochowa.us
17 mag 2020 · In his sermon delivered at our Shrine in September 1969, Cardinal Karol Wojtyla expressed his joy at coming to American Czestochowa and his ...
Karol Cardinal Wojtyla da clevelandmemory.contentdm.oclc.org
Identifier, pope004. Title, Cardinal Karol Wojtyla (Pope John Paul II) at airport, Cleveland visit, September 17, 1969. Subject, Pope John Paul II
Karol Cardinal Wojtyla da sharonkabel.com
All things considered, it seems reasonable to believe that Cardinal Karol Wojtyla said the quotation, “We are now standing in the face of the greatest ...
Karol Cardinal Wojtyla da apnews.com
8 mar 2023 · Karol Wojtyla served as archbishop of Krakow, southern Poland, from 1964 to 1978, when he became Pope John Paul II. He died in 2005 and was ...