Serbian da en.wikipedia.org
It is the official and national language of Serbia, one of the three official languages of Bosnia and Herzegovina and co-official in Montenegro and Kosovo. It ...
La Serbia (in serbo Србија), ufficialmente Repubblica di Serbia (in serbo Република Србија, Republika Srbija), č uno Stato dell'Europa sudorientale senza ...


La lingua serba o serbo č un idioma slavo riconosciuto come la lingua ufficiale di Serbia, Montenegro e Bosnia-Erzegovina. Si tratta di una delle quattro varietą standardizzate della lingua serbo-croata: serbo, croato, bosniaco e montenegrino. Wikipedia
ISO 639-3: (EN)
Regolato da: Consiglio per la standardizzazione della lingua serba
Tipo: SVO (ordine libero), tonica

Serbian da www.britannica.com
Serbian (and later Yugoslav) leader Slobodan Milošević attempted to craft a “Greater Serbia” from the former union, but his policies instead led to the ...
Today Serbian is the official language of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Its standard, based on the Štokavian dialect and Ekavian pronunciation, is used in ...
Serbian da www.mustgo.com
Serbian (cpпcки jeзик, srpski jezik) belongs to the South Slavic group of the Slavic branch of the Indo-European language family. After the breakup of ...
Serbian. (geografia) serbo; riguardante la Serbia · Sostantivo. Serbian (pl.: Serbians). (demonimo) serbo (persona proveniente dalla Serbia). Sostantivo.
Serbian da www.afsusa.org
Serbs tend to be openly emotional and seldom private. They love to talk and be listened to. It is considered impolite not to give someone their full attention.
noun · a native or inhabitant of Serbia, especially one of the Slavic peoples inhabiting it. · Serbo-Croatian, especially as spoken and written in Serbia.