The Edge of Love is a 2008 British biographical romantic drama film directed by John Maybury and starring Keira Knightley, Sienna Miller, Cillian Murphy, ...

The Edge of Love

R · 2008 ‧ Romantico/Guerra ‧ 1h 50m
6,1/10 · IMDb 37% · Rotten Tomatoes
La storia di un difficile triangolo amoroso fra il poeta gallese Dylan Thomas, la moglie Caitlin e Vera Phillips, un amore giovanile dello scrittore.
Data di uscita: 13 marzo 2009 (Stati Uniti)
Regista: John Maybury
Paese di produzione: Regno Unito
Titolo originale: The Edge of Love

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A story that explores the bohemian underworld of war-torn London and the complex lives.
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Two women (Keira Knightley, Sienna Miller) are best friends and rivals for the love of poet Dylan Thomas.
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The life of poet Dylan Thomas is told through the stories of two free-spirited women who loved him in this fiery romantic drama set in wartime London.
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A fine film set in the Second World War. The characters are based on the the poet Dylan Thomas (Matthew Rhys) and his wife, Caitlan McNamara (Sienna Miller).
Welsh poet Dylan Thomas and his flirtatious wife Caitlin bump into Dylan's childhood sweetheart Vera in war-torn London. Despite potential jealousies, the ...
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14,98 USD
The life of legendary poet Dylan Thomas is told through the stories of two free-spirited women who loved him in this fiery romantic drama set in wartime ...