Mar 29, 2005 · It be full of bad data that will repeatedly flag and inconvenience the wrong travellers. (The existing CAPPS system didn't stop the 9/11 ...
Mar 22, 2005 · The replacement cable featured a trip, which cut down the risk of your house catching fire, but left unfortunate gamers with a fried console.
Mar 6, 2005 · Azione antipirateria UK. BPI nails 'music pirates' | The Register ...The BPI is due to attend the High Court on Friday (4 March) seeking ...
Apr 6, 2005 · "All we did was register a forum (which has now been taken down by the service provider, but we have a backup) and fill it with fictional posts ...
Apr 1, 2005 · How shall I own your mobile phone today? | The Register ...last month Paris Hilton had her Sidekick II hacked and the contents spread all ...
Feb 28, 2005 · La soluzione anti-bug IDN di Firefox è stupida. Small-minded Mozilla mocked by wider world | The Register ...following a hasty decision ...
Jul 3, 2005 · The bug is pretty serious. It eats up the PC's memory forcing the user to reboot, or use a third-party digitizer, and had been plaguing users ...
May 29, 2005 · Mac OS X 10.4 “Tiger”, analisi in dettaglio da The Register. Mac OS X 10.4 'Tiger' in depth | The Register Qualche trucco e tecnica.
Apr 3, 2005 · Phone DRM too expensive, say carriers | The Register "Mobile phone networks dissatisfaction with the copyright interests has gone public.
Jun 3, 2005 · BBC NEWS | Technology | Sex sites get dedicated net home: "Pornographic websites are about to get their own online home.