Istanbul da en.wikipedia.org
Istanbul is the largest city in Turkey, straddling the Bosporus Strait, the boundary between Europe and Asia. It is considered the country's economic, ...


Città in Turchia
Istanbul è una delle maggiori città della Turchia, che si trova a cavallo tra Europa e Asia, sullo stretto del Bosforo. La sua città vecchia riflette le influenze culturali dei numerosi imperi che qui hanno governato. Nel quartiere di Sultanahmet,...
Popolazione: 15,46 milioni (31 dic 2020)
Abitanti: 15 569 856 (31-12-2022)
Altitudine: 100 m s.l.m.
Cod. postale: 34010 a 34850 / 80000 a 81800
Coordinate: 41°01′N 28°58′E / 41.016667°N 28.966667°E Coordinate: 41°01′N 28°58′E / 41.016667°N 28.966667°E (Mappa)
Data di istituzione: 660 a.C

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Istanbul da www.britannica.com
4 giorni fa · Istanbul, largest city and principal seaport of Turkey. It was the capital of both the Byzantine Empire and the Ottoman Empire.
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Istanbul is a city that mixes old and new, and the best way to explore it is through its mahalles (neighborhoods). Get your history fix in Beyoğlu—it's ...
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This magical meeting place straddling two continents has more top-notch attractions than it has minarets (and that's a lot).
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Spread across two continents and between two seas, Istanbul is a city of empires past. The Hagia Sophia, Blue Mosque, Topkapi Palace, and Galata Tower are ...
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Istanbul (Turkish: İstanbul) is Turkey's most populous city as well as its cultural and financial hub. Located on both sides of the Bosphorus, the narrow strait ...
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This historic city has been a major crossroads between East and West since it was founded in 660 BC by the Greeks. Constantinople, as it was formerly known, ...
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Istanbul is a fascinating, dazzling capital of 3 great civilizations, a state you will fall in love with very quickly and leave very hard. It is a cultural and ...
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Istanbul is the largest city in Turkey, constituting the country's economic, cultural, and historical heart. Its commercial and historical centre lies in ...
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With its strategic location on the Bosphorus peninsula between the Balkans and Anatolia, the Black Sea and the Mediterranean, Istanbul has been associated ...