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Alfonso Garcia Robles da it.wikipedia.org
Alfonso García Robles (Zamora de Hidalgo, 20 marzo 1911 – Città del Messico, 2 settembre 1991) è stato un politico e diplomatico messicano, vincitore, ...
Alfonso García Robles

Alfonso García Robles

Ex Segretario per gli affari esteri del Messico
Alfonso García Robles è stato un politico e diplomatico messicano, vincitore, insieme ad Alva Myrdal, del premio Nobel per la Pace nel 1982. Studiò legge alla UNAM, prima di entrare a far parte del corpo diplomatico messicano. Wikipedia
Nascita: 20 marzo 1911, Zamora de Hidalgo, Messico
Morte: 2 settembre 1991, Città del Messico, Messico
Cariche precedenti: Segretario per gli affari esteri del Messico (1975–1976) e Rappresentante permanente del Messico alle Nazioni Unite (1970–1976)
Coniuge: Juana María Szyszlo (s. 1950–1991)

Alfonso Garcia Robles da www.nobelprize.org
Alfonso García Robles The Nobel Peace Prize 1982. Born: 20 March 1911, Zamora, Mexico. Died: 2 September 1991, Mexico City, Mexico. Residence at the time of ...
Alfonso García Robles (20 March 1911 – 2 September 1991) was a Mexican diplomat and politician who, in conjunction with Sweden's Alva Myrdal, received the ...
29 ago 2024 · Mexican diplomat and advocate of nuclear disarmament. He was a corecipient with Alva Myrdal of Sweden of the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1982.
Alfonso García Robles was born in Zamora in Mexico in 1911. After studying law he entered his country's foreign service in 1939.
After graduating from the Hague Academy for International Law, Alfonso García Robles became a diplomat and had various roles at UN headquarters in New York.
Robles's lifelong dedication to peace earned him a Nobel Peace Prize in 1982 and the title “Mr. Disarmament” among his UN colleagues.
Alfonso Garcia Robles was a Mexican politician and diplomat. In the early 1960s, he was an ambassador to Brazil and then he was appointed the Deputy Foreign ...
1 set 2023 · Alfonso Garcia Robles, affectionately known as “Mr. Disarmament,” stands as a remarkable figure in the archives of history, revered for his ...