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Elias Canetti da it.wikipedia.org
Elias Canetti (Ruse, 25 luglio 1905 – Zurigo, 14 agosto 1994) è stato uno scrittore, saggista e aforista bulgaro naturalizzato britannico, di lingua tedesca ...
Elias Canetti da en.wikipedia.org
Elias Canetti was a German-language writer, born in Ruse, Bulgaria to a Sephardic Jewish family. They moved to Manchester, England, but his father died in ...
Elias Canetti

Elias Canetti

Scrittore e saggista
Elias Canetti è stato uno scrittore, saggista e aforista bulgaro naturalizzato britannico, di lingua tedesca, insignito del Nobel per la letteratura nel 1981. Wikipedia
Nascita: 25 luglio 1905, Ruse, Bulgaria
Morte: 14 agosto 1994, Zurigo, Svizzera
Coniuge: Hera Buschor (s. 1971–1988) e Veza Canetti (s. 1934–1963)
Fratelli e sorelle: Georges Canetti e Jacques Canetti

Le persone hanno chiesto anche
10 ago 2024 · Elias Canetti was a German-language novelist and playwright whose works explore the emotions of crowds, the psychopathology of power, ...
Elias Canetti The Nobel Prize in Literature 1981. Born: 25 July 1905, Ruse, Bulgaria. Died: 14 August 1994, Zurich, Switzerland.
Awarded the 1981 Nobel Prize in Literature "for writings marked by a broad outlook, a wealth of ideas and artistic power." He studied in Vienna.
Elias Canetti da www.nobelprize.org
1905, Born on 25 July in Ruse, Bulgaria. Mother tongue Ladino (archaic dialect of Spanish). 1911, Moved to Manchester, England. First school.
Elias Canetti was born in 1905 into a Sephardi Jewish family in Ruse, Bulgaria. In 1981, Canetti was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature for ...
Elias Canetti da www.washingtonpost.com
2 ago 2024 · A Nobel Prize winner's brilliant tirade against mortality. Elias Canetti described “The Book Against Death” as “the only book that I was born to ...
Elias Canetti da www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org
Elias Canetti was the eldest son in a Jewish merchant family, whose ancestors were Sephardi Jews who had been expelled from Spain in 1492. The original family ...
Elias Canetti da newcriterion.com
Elias Canetti is regarded by many as one of the century's most distinguished writers. At least since he was awarded the Nobel Prize, in 1981, ...