Emily Greene Balch da www.nobelprize.org
Emily Greene Balch (January 8, 1867-January 9, 1961) was born in Boston, the daughter of Francis V. and Ellen (Noyes) Balch. Hers was a prosperous family, ...
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Emily Greene Balch (January 8, 1867 – January 9, 1961) was an American economist, sociologist and pacifist. Balch combined an academic career at Wellesley ...
Emily Greene Balch da www.britannica.com
Emily Greene Balch was an American sociologist, political scientist, economist, and pacifist, a leader of the women's movement for peace during and after ...
Emily Greene Balch was an American sociologist, political scientist and economist, and a leader in the women's peace movement. She received the Nobel Prize ...
Emily Greene Balch da www.nobelprize.org
Radical peace advocate Emily Greene Balch was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her lifelong efforts for disarmament and peace.