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Expo 2015 was a World Expo hosted by Milan, Italy. It opened on May 1 at 10:00 CEST and closed on October 31. Milan hosted an exposition for the second time ...
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Expo 2015

L'Expo 2015 è stata l'esposizione universale svoltasi a Milano dal 1º maggio al 31 ottobre 2015. La tematica selezionata per l'Expo 2015 fu “Nutrire il pianeta, energia per la vita” e ha inteso ... Wikipedia
Luogo: Milano, Rho e Pero
Data: 1 mag 2015 – 31 ott 2015
Partecipanti: 137 Paesi; (20) regioni/città; 22 organizzazioni; 23 aziende
Aggiudicazione: 31 marzo 2008
Area: 110 ha
Città: Milano
Stato: Italia

The Italian city of Milan hosted a World Expo in 2015, with the theme “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life”. After Member States elected Italy as Expo 2015 host ...
The 2015 Milan Expo required the input of more than 145 countries and 50 international organizations resulting in over 70 temporary pavilions; a combined effort ...
Expo 2015 da www.tripadvisor.com
Valutazione (11.679)
Just came back from three full days at the 2015 Universal Expo in Milan, whose theme is Feeding the Planet - Energy for Life. A very entertaining, informative ...
The 2015 World Expo Milan covers more than 2.9 square kilometers and contains more than 70 exposition pavilions.
A grand vision to radically rethink the lasting value of a World Expo, the Milan Expo in 2015 originated with great ambitions. Recognizing the long history ...
Expo 2015 da www.stefanoboeriarchitetti.net
Thanks to Expo 2015, Milan has created the first Planetary Agri-nutritional Garden: a prototype for an unprecedented and experimental landscape to be preserved ...
13 mag 2015 · The theme of Expo Milano 2015 is "Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life," and the participating countries pulled out all the stops to wow ...
Expo 2015 da www.architectmagazine.com
At Expo Milano 2015 Qatar wants to show its commitment to safe, healthy and convenient food. From its greenhouses to the table, from scientific laboratories ...
EXPO 2015. Si comunica che in data 31.12.2021 la Società Expo 2015 Spa in liquidazione ha cessato le proprie attività; pertanto, il presente sito internet ...