Guadalajara, Mexico da en.wikipedia.org
Guadalajara is a city in western Mexico and the capital of the state of Jalisco. According to the 2020 census, the city has a population of 1,385,629 people ...
Guadalajara es una ciudad mexicana, capital del estado de Jalisco. Está ubicada en el occidente del país, en la zona geográfica conocida como valle de ...
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Città in Messico
Guadalajara è una città del Messico occidentale. La tequila e la musica dei mariachi sono entrambe nate a Jalisco, stato di cui la città è capitale. Il centro storico di Guadalajara è costellato di piazze in stile coloniale e monumenti iconici,...
Popolazione: 1,386 milioni (2020)
Abitanti: 1 460 148 (cens. 2015)
Altitudine: 5.138 ft
Cod. postale: 44100 - 44190
Coordinate: 20°40′35″N 103°20′32″W
Data di istituzione: 14-2-1542
Densità: 7 770,88 ab./km²

Guadalajara, Mexico da www.tripadvisor.com
Guadalajara is known for some of its popular attractions, which include: Bosque Los Colomos · Acuario Michin Guadalajara · Zoológico Guadalajara · Instituto ...
Guadalajara, Mexico da www.britannica.com
11 set 2024 · Guadalajara, city, capital of Jalisco state, west-central Mexico. It lies roughly in the center of the state, in the Atemajac Valley near ...
Guadalajara, Mexico da www.lonelyplanet.com
As Mexico's second-largest city, Guadalajara delivers a less frenetic alternative to the nation's capital. And, while many of the images recognized as ...
Guadalajara, Mexico da www.earthobservatory.nasa.gov
Known as both the “City of Roses” and the “Pearl of the West,” Guadalajara is Mexico's second largest city with a population of more than 3 million people.
Guadalajara, Mexico da www.gdltours.com
Where in the world is the best Climate? Guadalajara is a semi tropical weather located in Central Mexico (North America), average temperature is 75º F
8 feb 2024 · A guide to Guadalajara, Mexico's city of makers. Steeped in cultural heritage, the capital of Jalisco is drawing a new wave of artists.
Guadalajara, Mexico da www.7x7.com
9 set 2022 · Teeming with art, architecture, and food, Guadalajara's storied history and modern outlook are written in its streets.