
Hook - Capitan Uncino

PG · 1991 ‧ Avventura/Commedia ‧ 2h 16m
6,8/10 · IMDb 29% · Rotten Tomatoes
Peter Pan, ormai adulto, ha cancellato i ricordi della propria infanzia ed è diventato un cinico avvocato. Quando i suoi due figli vengono rapiti da Capitano Uncino, l'uomo riscopre la forza dei propri sentimenti e fa di tutto per riportarli a...
Data di uscita: 11 dicembre 1991 (Stati Uniti)
Musiche: John Williams
Adattato da: Peter Pan
Anno: 1991

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Hook is a 1991 American fantasy adventure film directed by Steven Spielberg and written by James V. Hart and Malia Scotch Marmo. It stars Robin Williams as ...
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A high-flying adventure from the magic of Steven Spielberg, Hook stars Robin Williams as a grown-up Peter Pan and Dustin Hoffman as the infamous Captain Hook.
noun ; a · a curved or bent device for catching, holding, or pulling ; b · something intended to attract and ensnare ; c · anchor sense 1.
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Video relativi a Hook
Durata: 1:58
Data/ora pubblicazione: 11 dic 2021
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to attract someone's attention or encourage them to buy a product or service: Financial marketers know that money-off deals hook customers and ...
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A high-flying adventure from the magic of Steven Spielberg, HOOK stars Robin Williams as a grown-up Peter Pan and Dustin Hoffman as the infamous Captain Hook.