Pope Shenouda III da en.wikipedia.org
Pope Shenouda III was the 117th Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark. His papacy lasted 40 years, 4 months, and 4 days, from 14 November ...
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Shenuda III di Alessandria

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Ex Papa della Chiesa ortodossa copta
Shenuda III, nato Nazīr Gayyid Rūfāʾīl è stato un vescovo cristiano orientale e teologo egiziano, 117º papa della Chiesa ortodossa copta dal 14 novembre 1971 fino alla sua morte. Venne ordinato presbitero nel 1954 e venne consacrato vescovo il 30... Wikipedia
Nascita: 3 agosto 1923, Abnub, Egitto
Morte: 17 marzo 2012, Il Cairo, Egitto
Sepoltura: 20 marzo 2012, Monastery of Saint Bishoy, Egitto
Genitori: Gayed Roufail
Nome: Nazīr Gayyid Rūfāʾīl
Successore: Tawadros II

28 ago 2024 · Shenouda III was the 117th pope of Alexandria and patriarch of the see of St. Mark. As the leader of the Coptic Orthodox Church of ...
Pope Shenouda III da www.copticchurch.net
His Holiness passed away on March 17th of 2012 after more than forty years as the Pope and Patriarch of the Coptic Orthodox Church. Under his guidance, the ...
Pope Shenouda III da st-takla.org
On November 14, 1971, His Holiness was enthroned as Pope Shenouda III, the 117th Pope of Alexandria, and successor of the see of St. Mark.
Pope Shenouda III da www.loc.gov
On the ecumenical front, Pope Shenouda III is renowned for his efforts toward Christian unity. He was the first Coptic Patriarch in over 1500 years to meet with ...
This page contains most of the published books of His Holiness Pope Shenouda III in both English and Arabic. If any of the links not working or if you have ...
Pope Shenouda III da www.stmaryseattle.org
In 1973, Pope Shenouda III became the first Coptic Orthodox Pope of Alexandria to meet the Pope of Rome in over 1500 years. In this visit, Pope Shenouda III and ...
Pope Shenouda III da www.stantonious-stmina.org
His Holiness Pope Shenouda III was the 117th Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark. His holiness had the original name of Nazeer Gayed and ...
His Holiness Pope Shenouda III was born, Nazeer Gayed, on August 3, 1923, from a religious family in the Upper Egyptian province of Assyut. Since his very early ...