
Robert Coleman Richardson

Robert Coleman Richardson è stato un fisico statunitense, premio Nobel per la fisica nel 1996 assieme a David Lee e Douglas Osheroff per la scoperta della superfluidità dell'elio-3. Wikipedia
Nascita: 26 giugno 1937, Washington
Morte: 19 febbraio 2013, Ithaca, New York
Robert Coleman Richardson da en.wikipedia.org
Robert Coleman Richardson (June 26, 1937 – February 19, 2013) was an American experimental physicist whose area of research included sub-millikelvin ...
Robert Coleman Richardson da www.nobelprize.org
Robert C. Richardson, The Nobel Prize in Physics 1996. Born: 26 June 1937, Washington, DC, USA. Died: 19 February 2013, Ithaca, NY, USA.
Robert C. Richardson was the corecipient of the Nobel Prize for the discovery of superfluidity in the isotope Helium-3.
Robert Coleman Richardson da www.nobelprize.org
I was born on June 26, 1937 in Georgetown University Hospital in Washington, DC. My parents, Lois Price Richardson and Robert Franklin Richardson, lived in ...
Robert Coleman Richardson da mediatheque.lindau-nobel.org
Robert Coleman Richardson is an American physicist who, with David Lee and Douglas Osheroff, received the 1996 Nobel Prize in Physics.
Robert Coleman Richardson (June 26, 1937 – February 19, 2013) was an American experimental physicist. He was known for his works on sub-millikelvin ...
Robert Coleman Richardson da history.aip.org
Robert Richardson was Senior Vice Provost for Research Emeritus at Cornell University (2008-2013). His research interests included low temperature helium ...
Robert Coleman Richardson da ecommons.cornell.edu
Robert C. Richardson was a Nobel laureate and Cornell physicist. His work in low-temperature physics lead to major advancements in scientific understanding.
14 ago 2020 · Robert Coleman Richardson is a Hokie Alum, and oh yeah, a Nobel Prize-winning scientist. Richardson was born in Washington, DC in 1937 and ...
Robert Coleman. Richardson. Robert Coleman Richardson, the. Floyd R. Newman Professor of. Physics and senior vice provost for research emeritus at Cornell ...