Suzanna Arundhati Roy (born 24 November 1961) is an Indian author best known for her novel The God of Small Things (1997), which won the Booker Prize for ...
Arundhati Roy

Arundhati Roy

Scrittrice indiana ·
Arundhati Roy è una scrittrice indiana di lingua inglese e un'attivista politica impegnata nel campo dei diritti umani, dell'ambiente e dei movimenti anti-globalizzazione. Nel 1997 ha vinto il Premio Booker col suo romanzo d'esordio, Il Dio delle... Wikipedia
Nascita: 24 novembre 1961 (età 62 anni), Shillong, India
Genitori: Mary Roy e Ranjit Roy
Coniuge: Pradip Krishen (s. 1984) e Gerard da Cunha (s. 1977–1981)
Fratelli e sorelle: Lalit Kumar Christopher Roy

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29 lug 2024 · Arundhati Roy is an Indian author and activist known for the novel The God of Small Things and for her work in environmental and human ...
Arundhati Roy is an Indian writer who is also an activist who focuses on issues related to social justice and economic inequality. She won the Booker Prize ...
Arundhati Roy delivered the following speech at a ceremony held in Thiruvananthapuram, in the Indian state of Kerala, on Dec. 13, 2023, where she accepted ...
Arundhati Roy is the author of a number of books, including The God of Small Things, which won the Booker Prize in 1997 and has been translated into more ...
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From the bestselling author of The God of Small Things comes a scathing and passionate indictment of big government's disregard for the individual.
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Arundhati Roy Author. A simple woman who fights against injustice. So I'm Anti national for them. #azaadi
From her New Delhi home, acclaimed Indian writer and activist talks about G20 summit and state of India's minorities.
Roy is the author of the novel "The God of Small Things," which received the 1997 Booker Prize and was listed as a New York Times notable book of the year.