Stackelberg equilibrium is an equilibrium notion for two-player general-sum games where one player is a leader and the other player is a follower (it can also be generalized to multiple leaders and/or followers).
29 feb 2020
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The Stackelberg leadership model is a strategic game in economics in which the leader firm moves first and then the follower firms move sequentially.
Duopolio di Stackelberg (Stackelberg competition)
Il duopolio di Stackelberg è un modello economico, utilizzato anche in teoria dei giochi, inventato nel 1934 da Heinrich Freiherr von Stackelberg. Wikipedia
In a Stackelberg game, one player. (the “leader”) moves first, and all other players (the “followers”) move after him.
The sequential game (Stackelberg) leads to a more competitive equilibrium than the simultaneous move game (Cournot). Industrial Organization- Matilde Machado.
28 giu 2022 · To derive the Stackelberg-Nash equilibrium, we will focus on the example of a duopoly. That is, there are only two firms in the market. We will ...
In a Stackelberg game, the Nash equilibrium can be solved with backward induction when the best response strategy of leaders is calculated with the anticipation ...
6 mag 2020 · It is clear that this state, referred to as the Stackelberg equilibrium, is much better for the leader than the Nash equilibrium. The ...
9 giu 2023 · Here, we propose a general methodology to find a generalized Stackelberg equilibrium of a 1-N generalized Stackelberg game.