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His posts discussed various aspects of time travel, and described future calamitous events, including a global nuclear war. The uniform inaccuracy of their ...
A feature length documentary film exploring unbelievable story of John Titor, which to this day remains to be one of the internet's biggest unsolved mysteries.
23 lug 2022 · John Titor made many specific predictions regarding calamitous events. Below is a picture of the 'time machine' he arrived in.
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After a world war in our future, John Titor claimed to have used a military time machine to travel from the year 2036. His story spans from 1975 where his ...
John Titor
Personaggio immaginario
John Titor è il nome utilizzato, tra il 2000 e il 2001, da un utente o più utenti di vari forum ad accesso libero, dichiaratosi un soldato statunitense proveniente dall'anno 2036 e reclutato in un progetto governativo di viaggi nel tempo. Wikipedia
La storia di John Titor è diventata con il tempo una leggenda metropolitana piuttosto conosciuta sul web, successivamente discussa anche sui media tradizionali.
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Who is titor in Steins Gate?
30 ott 2020 · 20 years ago, the most famous “time traveler” of this generation lit up the Internet. He had come from the year 2036 to help save the world.
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This is the 1st, limited and only edition. In mint condition. John Titor was considered by many to be a time traveler from the future.
John Titor is an alias used by a person that claims to be a time traveler from the year 2036. He appears at different times depending on the Attractor Field ...
Remarkably, Titor claimed to have time-travelled from 2036 on a mission to retrieve an IBM 5100 in 1975. Titor refrained from public appearances and any ...