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3 nov 2023 · Dipladenia, commonly known as rock trumpet, are small, slightly sprawling, evergreen shrublets. The smooth glossy, fine and pointed, deep green ...
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In warm-winter areas that don't experience frost (or do so only rarely), dipladenia is an evergreen perennial vine that flowers on and off throughout the year.
Dipladenia plants need to be watered frequently in summer and full sun conditions, just keep in mind this plant likes to be on the dry side rather than wet.


Mandevilla Lindl., 1840 è un genere di piante della famiglia delle Apocinacee, comprendente oltre 170 specie di rampicanti e arbusti, originari dell'America tropicale. Wikipedia
Nome scientifico: Mandevilla
Classificazioni inferiori successive
These tropical flowering vines produce large trumpet flowers in shades of red, pink, yellow, and white, some with a yellow or darker eye.
30 mag 2023 · A major difference between dipladenia and mandevilla is the foliage. Dipladenia leaves are fine and pointed, deeply green and slightly glossy.
19 mar 2024 · La dipladenia ama le temperature miti e i luoghi luminosi. La temperatura ideale per la crescita e lo sviluppo della dipladenia è intorno ai 21° ...
Valutazione (10) · Disponibile
The Red Dipladenia is an excellent choice if you want distinctive flowers that can be grown easily on outdoor walls or indoors with a trellis.
Dipladenia is a tropical, and not winter hardy here. As a result, our stock of this item varies with the seasons; we typically stock this plant spring ...
13 giu 2022 · These climbing vines grow and flower best when planted in full sun. They tolerate partial shade in hot locations, such as south-facing walls.