Dyckia. Hybr.Distachia X Dawsonii · Dyckia. Hybr.Choristaminea Large Form X Platyphylla Silver Sheen · Dyckia. Hybr.Remotiflora v.Montevidensis X sp.Campo ...
Dra. Heloisa Alberto Torres,director of the Museu Nacional, not only provided me with every facility in the herbarium but also ar-.
Dyckia remotiflora is a plant species in the genus Dyckia. It is native to Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil. Dyckia remotiflora.
Mancanti: Hybr. X sp. Campo Alegre
Bromeliaceae. 2. Botany-Latin America. I. Downs, Robert Jack, 1923- joint author. II. Organization for Flora Neotropica.
... Bromeliaceae Andreanae (transl. and annot. M. Rothenberg) 1983 (orig. publ ... Alegre, Brazil) n.9 2004. DP c, Der Palmengarten (Frankfurt am Main) vol ...
The Bromeliaceae of Brazil. 290 pp., 128 figs. Sept. 7, 1955. (Publ. 4184.) 2. Cooper, Paut L. The archeological and paleontological salvage program in the ...
Dyckia remotiflora var. montevidensis L.B. Sm. (redirected from: Dyckia montevidensis K.Koch). Family: Bromeliaceae. [Dyckia montevidensis K.Koch].
Mancanti: Hybr. v. X sp. Campo Alegre
I BROMELIACEAE OF BRAZIL—SMITH 23 Bromelia interior L. B. Smith, sp. nov ... Dyckia remotiflora var. montevidensis sensu falso, L. B. Smith, Anais Bot ...
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