
Learn to pronounce start

  1. begin or be reckoned from a particular point in time or space.
    "the season starts in September"
    synonyms: begin, get under way, go ahead, get going, kick off, commence, come into being, be born, come into existence, appear, arrive, come forth, emerge, erupt, burst out, arise, originate, break, unfold, develop, crop up, first see the light of day
  2. (of event or process) happen or come into being.
    "the fire started in the building's upper floor"
    synonyms: establish, set up, found, lay the foundations of, lay the cornerstone of, lay the first stone of, sow the seeds of, create, bring into being, institute, initiate, inaugurate, introduce, open, begin, launch, float, kick-start, put in place, get something off the ground, get something going, get something moving, get something working, get something functioning, activate, originate, pioneer, organize, mastermind, embark on, make a start on, tackle, set about, kick something off
  3. give a small jump or make a sudden jerking movement from surprise or alarm.
    "“Oh my!” she said, starting"
    synonyms: flinch, jerk, jump, twitch, recoil, shrink, blench, wince, shy

  1. the point in time or space at which something has its origin; the beginning.
    "he takes over as chief executive at the start of next year"
    synonyms: beginning, inception, onset, emergence, (first) appearance, arrival, eruption, dawn, birth, establishment, foundation, institution, origination, inauguration, induction, creation, opening, launch, float, floating, kickoff, commencement, origin, source, root, starting point, germ, seeds, genesis, cause, reason, motivation, motive, fons et origo, fountainhead, wellspring, fount
  2. a sudden movement of surprise or alarm.
    "she awoke with a start"
    synonyms: jerk, twitch, flinch, wince, spasm, convulsion, jump

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Sep 8, 2024 · 1. a : to move suddenly and violently : spring started angrily to his feet b : to react with a sudden brief involuntary movement started when a shot rang out.
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Turn the start page of your browser into a productivity hub. Manage your bookmarks with ease. Use privately or in teams. Start for free!
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Sep 8, 2024 · Some common synonyms of start are begin, commence, inaugurate, initiate, and usher in. While all these words mean "to take the first step in a ...
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