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Article 4769 Video – International Public Notice: Why There Are No State Republics at This Time – Wednesday, April 24, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

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April 25, 2024 Winter Watch Around the Web 0

We would prefer you arrest illegal aliens as they cross the border rather than Americans using their First Amendment right to protest a genocide.

Arrests being made right now & will continue until the crowd disperses.

These protesters belong in jail.

Antisemitism will not be tolerated in Texas. Period.

Students joining in hate-filled, antisemitic protests at any public college or university in Texas should be expelled.

— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) April 24, 2024



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Salami Strategy aka Szalámitaktika Now in Play

The centerpiece of culture-critique Marxism and vanguardism are pushing scam concepts like “tolerance.” This is further enhanced by the use of the salami strategy (szalámitaktika) of attack, incorporating the double-bind method.

A double bind is an emotionally distressing dilemma in which an individual (or group) receives two or more conflicting messages, and one message negates the other. This creates a situation in which a successful response to one message results in a failed response to the other (and vice versa), so that the person will automatically be wrong regardless of response. The double bind occurs when the person cannot confront the inherent dilemma and, therefore, can neither resolve it nor opt out of the situation. I also like to think of this as a dead end.

Double bind quickly morphs into double think, which is notable due to cognitive dissonance — thus, the person is completely unaware of any conflict or contradiction.

See: Gregory Bateson: The Master of Double-Bind Black Propaganda

Szalámitaktika 2024 style centers around the Zio word construct “terrorists”. Both sides of the salami use this constantly. To me personally terrorism today is best applied to the Gaza genocide. But here is how we see the double bind deflection played out. This allows both parties to completely ignore the fine details of the events they are alluding to.

The backdrop is that there is something about campuses that triggers many people. Given that I try to self-reflect this includes me. It is a fallacy of origin or genetic fallacy that holds that any movement emerging from campuses must be inherently wrong or can be associated with wokeness. Lost in the shuffle is that many people have a real distaste for the slaughter of innocents and the razing of a large city. This is a multi-layered szalámitaktika double bind that reveals a high degree of brain washing.

In the first Larry calls the genocide protestors terrorists. That is a convenient salami ploy and avoids the inherent dilemma. Note that Larry is an American flag waver guy, which apparently is designed to give him some cover for his view.

These are not protesters they are domestic terrorists. And they should be treated as such.

— Living Like Larry🦞🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 (@Skipperleigh123) April 24, 2024

On the other side of the salami is a whataboutism. Since the whole idea behind szalámitaktika is to inflict the word terrorism on legitimate protest or counter-movements, one Moose brings up the contrived and planted January 6 event. There is also the subliminal use of the American flag in Moose delivery.

No l, domestic terrorists were the ones who attacked the Capitol on Jan 6. Were you one of them?

— Carnaptious Moose (@Grumpy101moose) April 24, 2024

subliminal: (of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.

If you follow along the comments they are pretty strident and divided mostly around the salami.

Those who object to some depravity or outrage are labelled or portrayed as fascists and Nazis; or, at the very least, fascist sympathizers. Terms like “polarizing” and “divisive” are tossed around. This is tied into an appeal for “unity” which is effectively knelling to anarcho tyrants.

In contemporary politics, if somebody ventures into the sticky wicket of criticizing Israel or the lobbying of that foreign state, then the abused term “anti-Semite” can be rolled out. By extension, under the salami attack method, if that label sticks you are the moral equivalent of a camp guard throwing gas canisters into the alleged showers. Some how by osmosis this “slippery slope” all begins with disapproval (aka “intolerance”) of some questionable behavior or practice.

The terms anti-semite and Nazi have definitely lost their cache since the Genocide. Accordingly we see that terrorist has become the new szalámitaktika of the realm.

For those who notice these glitches in the kakistocracy matrix, there’s the “conspiracy theorist” arrow. Thus, on a number of wash-rinse-repeat fronts, the manipulator is able to get the opposition to in-fight and slice off its right wing, followed by its centrists, and then the more courageous left wingers, until only fellow travelers willing to collaborate remain in power.

“Hater” is another salami favorite. This is utilized for those not yet put into the terrorist camp, but who are headed there via the salami method.

Read “Putting the Word ‘Hate’ into Proper Context”

The geopolitics of labor: Israel’s quest to replace Palestinian workers with Indians

The Cradle | April 24, 2024

On 10 April, in the thick of the war on Gaza, the Israeli government, facing a labor crisis, announced that it would fly in 6,000 Indian laborers during April and May on state-subsidized shuttle flights.

This decision follows Israel’s suspension of work permits for Palestinian construction workers, a move that has significantly impacted its building sector. Israel’s Finance Ministry estimates that the absence of Palestinian laborers is costing the economy about three billion shekels ($828 million) monthly, which could lead to a loss of three percent of GDP as the building and housing markets struggle with debt amounting to 400 billion shekels ($106 billion).

Simultaneously, New Delhi, overlooking the genocide and humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza, has agreed to send Indian construction workers to replace the displaced Palestinian workforce. This decision aligns with a bilateral agreement to integrate 100,000 Indian laborers into Israel’s construction industry, matching the number of ousted Palestinian workers.


MSG and Free Glutamate: Lurking Everywhere

By: Sally Fallon Morell

  • Consuming MSG, even in seemingly innocuous dishes like crab cakes, can cause severe immediate symptoms such as headache, dry mouth, excessive thirst, muscle soreness mimicking arthritis, and discomfort and pain that can be mistaken for chronic illnesses like fibromyalgia or Lyme’s disease

  • MSG is glutamine — an essential amino acid beneficial for many bodily functions, including gut healing and immune response — with an added sodium molecule, which radically alters its impact on your body

  • Symptoms related to MSG consumption are sometimes treated with medications for unrelated conditions, such as diabetes and chronic pain, potentially leading to inappropriate treatments that could exacerbate the problem

  • A broad range of common food additives and ingredients, including hydrolyzed proteins, caseinates, and yeast extracts, are sources of free glutamate, which can overwhelm the body’s normal processing of glutamate

  • A diet focused on whole, natural foods prepared at home is the best way to avoid hidden MSG

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Some time ago, on a trip to British Columbia, I ate in a local restaurant. When eating out, I always try to order something simple, without a gravy or sauce, since these sauces are bound to contain MSG.

So, I ordered a plain crab cake with rice and vegetables — no sauce, no mayo. Boy, did that crab cake taste good! About midnight I knew why. I woke up with a dry mouth, a terrible thirst and a headache. The next day I felt sore all over, like I’d been in a fight. My hands felt like they had arthritis.

Fortunately, since I don’t eat food containing MSG very often, the symptoms cleared by the next day. Unfortunately, I attended a reception that evening, and since I had skipped lunch and was hungry, I ate things I shouldn’t have, including a peanut sauce I am sure came from a can. That night, the same thing happened, and the next day I was stiff and sore from head to toe.

Of course, I knew the reason why and just resolved to be more careful going forward. But suppose I was a person who ate a lot of processed or restaurant food and didn’t know about the dangers of MSG. I would feel awful all the time: headache, dry mouth, excessive thirst, and aches and pains like arthritis.

I might be told I had the disease du jour: fibromyalgia. But there is no treatment for fibromyalgia so I would probably be treated for the runner-up disease du jour: Lyme’s disease. The treatment for Lyme’s disease is courses of antibiotics, which would probably make my condition worse.

If I complained to the doctor about the dry mouth and thirst, I would be tested for diabetes; and if I sought treatment for headaches, I’d end up on some pretty powerful pain killers.

Which brings us to the question: could all these conditions, especially the rheumatism-like achiness that plagues so many people, be due to MSG and similar substances added to virtually all processed food?

For example, MSG allows food manufacturers to make something that resembles gravy — which we make at home with good drippings, flour and genuine bone broth — with water, a thickener, artificial coloring and artificial flavors, especially MSG.

Apologists for MSG point out that it derives from glutamine, an amino acid needed for protein synthesis, immunity, liver health, detoxification and maintenance of acid-alkaline balance, among many other roles.

Our bodies can make glutamine; however, in times of rapid growth or healing — especially healing of the gut — we need more glutamine than we can make and must get it from food. Homemade bone broth is an excellent source, one explanation for bone broth’s reputation as a healing food.

Glutamine is a precursor to glutamate, an important neurotransmitter, for which we have receptors in the brain and all over the body. Apologists for MSG argue that the additive is not really different from glutamate (or its cousin glutamic acid).

For example, journalist Liz Roth-Johnson writes, “Despite their different names, glutamate, glutamic acid, and monosodium glutamate are essentially the same molecule and behave the same way in our bodies.” She provides the following diagram.

Roth-Johnson notes that ripe tomatoes and aged cheese contain high levels of glutamate, so what could be the problem with MSG? The problem is that most people don’t get headaches and arthritis-like symptoms when they eat ripe tomatoes and aged cheese.

One explanation is that the sodium molecule added to glutamate makes it a very different molecule — after all, adding chlorine to sodium to make nutritious salt makes chlorine very different from poisonous chlorine gas! Small differences in molecules can make huge differences in the body.

Free glutamate is formed during fermentation — of milk into cheese, of soybeans into soy sauce, etc. That’s what gives these foods their delicious meat-like umami taste. Most people can eat small amounts of slowly and naturally fermented soy sauce without problem, but react strongly to cheap soy sauce made by rapid protein hydrolysis with added MSG.

Another difference: most of the glutamate in our body does not come from free glutamate in our food but from the breakdown of protein into its separate amino acids. It’s a good assumption that these enter the bloodstream more slowly than MSG added to food, or even to glutamate naturally formed in food, so that their transformation into neurotransmitters is more controlled.

Eating foods containing MSG or a lot of added free glutamate, can overwhelm the system, so to speak. And free glutamate is everywhere, I mean everywhere, usually not labeled but lurking in other food additives.

Here’s a list of ingredients that contain free glutamate in one form or another:

  • Anything hydrolyzed

  • Any hydrolyzed protein

  • Calcium caseinate

  • Sodium caseinate

  • Yeast extract

  • Torula yeast

  • Autolyzed yeast

  • Textured protein

  • Whey protein

  • Whey protein concentrate

  • Whey protein isolate

  • Soy protein

  • Soy protein concentrate

  • Soy protein isolate

  • Anything protein fortified

  • Soy sauce

  • Soy sauce extract

  • Anything enzyme modified

  • Anything containing enzymes

  • Anything containing protease

And these are foods that can contain a lot of free glutamate formed during processing:

  • Carrageenan

  • Commercial bouillon, broth and stock

  • Any flavors or flavoring

  • Natural flavor

  • Maltodextrin

  • Oligodextrin

  • Citric acid, Citrate

  • Anything ultra-pasteurized

  • Barley malt

  • Malted barley

  • Brewer’s yeast

  • Pectin

  • Malt extract

  • Seasonings

And these are foods that extremely sensitive people have reacted to:

  • Corn starch

  • Corn syrup

  • Modified food starch

  • Lipolyzed butter fat

  • Dextrose

  • Rice syrup

  • Brown rice syrup

  • Milk powder

  • Gelatin

  • Reduced fat milk (skim; 1%; 2%)

  • Most things low fat or no fat

  • Anything enriched

  • Anything vitamin enriched

  • Anything pasteurized

  • Annatto

  • Vinegar

  • Balsamic vinegar

  • Certain amino acid chelates (used in supplements)

Furthermore, these sensitive souls need to avoid anything fermented, including natural cheese, naturally fermented soy sauce and homemade sauerkraut, and even tomato paste.

Interestingly, the late Jack Samuels, creator of (which created the above lists), told me that he could eat cheese made with old-fashioned animal rennet without problem, but reacted strongly to cheese made with vegetarian rennet (which is produced by genetically modified bacteria).

I always purchase organic herbs and spices, often not reading the labels. But I looked carefully at the label of some organic chili powder I recently bought and was shocked to read that it contained “organic rice concentrate.”

Rice concentrate is not in any of the above lists, but it is obviously a processed ingredient and why would the company add it to chili powder unless it contributed some kind of zip to the flavor? Just shows you can’t be too careful! Always read labels!

But back to the main point: if you are suffering from any kind of chronic pain or discomfort, try limiting yourself exclusively to whole natural foods that you have prepared yourself. I’m betting you will see an improvement without taking any drugs.

Sally Fallon Morell is author of the best-selling cookbook “Nourishing Traditions” and many other books on diet and health. She is the founding president of the Weston A. Price Foundation ( and a founder of A Campaign for Real Milk ( Visit her blog at

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Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Mercola, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked.

The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Mercola and his community. Dr. Mercola encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The subscription fee being requested is for access to the articles and information posted on this site, and is not being paid for any individual medical advice.

If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care professional before using products based on this content.

Autism and ADHD Linked to Disturbed Gut Flora Very Early in Life

  • The makeup of gut flora at birth and during the first year of life may play a key role in the development of neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, communication disorders and intellectual disability

  • The research connected changes in gut bacteria in early life to neurodevelopmental disorders and identified early signs of mood and digestive problems

  • Children with three or more ear infections treated with antibiotics were more likely to develop a speech disorder, ADHD or an intellectual disability

  • Among children who developed neurodevelopmental disorders, higher levels of inflammatory Citrobacter bacteria and lower levels of beneficial Coprococcus were found in the microbiome

  • Antibiotics may be responsible for this effect, with researchers suggesting penicillin may increase Citrobacter while decreasing or eliminating Coprococcus

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The makeup of gut flora at birth and during the first year of life may play a key role in the development of neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), communication disorders and intellectual disability.1 Worldwide, 3.4 billion people suffer from health conditions that affect the nervous system.2

While much remains to be discovered about how early gut microbiota affect cognition, it’s known that gut bacteria are involved in metabolism, neurological health, immune function and the health of the gastrointestinal tract. Further, gut-brain communication occurs via multiple avenues, including along the vagus nerve and through transport of short-chain fatty acids (SCAs).3

Gut microbes can also synthesize neurotransmitters, according to researchers with the University of Florida. In a study published in the journal Cell, they reveal that disruptions to gut flora in very early life may raise the risk of autism, ADHD and more.4

The study tracked a group of Swedish children from birth over a 20-year period to identify factors that might influence whether they develop a neurodevelopmental disorder. Researchers collected extensive data from early in the children’s lives using detailed questionnaires about infections, antibiotic use, stress, prenatal conditions and family health history.

They also analyzed biological markers such as metabolites in umbilical cord blood and stool, types of body cell proteins and gut bacteria. Out of the 16,440 children monitored, 1,197 — or 7.3%5 — were diagnosed with a neurodevelopmental disorder, and significant links were found between certain early-life factors and the likelihood of developing NDs.

Notably, the research connected changes in gut bacteria to these disorders and identified early signs of mood and digestive problems.

“The remarkable aspect of the work is that these biomarkers are found at birth in cord blood or in the child’s stool at 1 year of age over a decade prior to the diagnosis,” study author Eric Triplett said in a news release.6 Interestingly, infants who went on to develop neurodevelopmental disorders were deficient in many bacteria known to promote gut health, including Akkermansia, Bifidobacterium, Ruminococcus and Faecalibacterium.

“Akkermansia muciniphila was associated with substances that contribute to the production of chemical signals in the brain known as neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters play a crucial role in brain function and mood regulation,” the University of Florida reported.7

The study also revealed that children who had three or more ear infections treated with penicillin from the time they were born until age 5 were at increased risk of NDs compared to those in the control group. Specifically, they were:8

  • 3.89 times more likely to develop a speech disorder

  • 3.27 times more likely to develop ADHD

  • 2.44 times more likely to develop an intellectual disability

Further, among children who developed neurodevelopmental disorders, higher levels of Citrobacter bacteria, which are associated with inflammation, and lower levels of Coprococcus, which are linked to mental health benefits, were found in the microbiome. Antibiotics may be responsible for this effect, with researchers suggesting penicillin may increase Citrobacter while decreasing or eliminating Coprococcus.9

“We’re not trying to say that antibiotics are necessarily a bad thing,” lead study author Angelica Ahrens said. “But perhaps overuse can be detrimental to the microbiome, and for some children, for whatever reason, their microbiome might not recover as readily.”10

Meanwhile, both environmental and emotional stress also increased the risk of NDs. Children whose mothers smoked during pregnancy were three times more likely to develop NDs, while toddlers exposed to secondhand smoke were 4.88 times more likely to develop ADHD. Toddlers whose fathers smoked more than 15 cigarettes daily were also 3.47 times more likely to develop autism.11

Further, among children later diagnosed with autism, higher levels of PFDA (perfluorodecanoic acid) were found. PFDA is a breakdown product often found in food packaging, especially those made to be grease-resistant, such as microwave popcorn bags and fast-food wrappers.12 “These substances are known to be associated with chronic inflammation, oxidative stress, immune suppression, and possible involvement in autoimmune diseases,” the researchers noted.13

According to Ahrens, “There’s a pretty consistent pattern where it seems increased stressors — whether from emotional stress or exposure to adverse health influences — can impact the immune system and, subsequently, the microbiome — along with all its downstream effects.”14

It’s rarely just one factor that triggers a neurodevelopmental disorder or other chronic disease. Typically, it’s a combination of factors — like processed food loaded with linoleic acid, childhood vaccines, antibiotic overuse and environmental pollutants — that causes gut dysfunction and other imbalances in the body.

Beth Lambert, who in 2009 founded Epidemic Answers, a research organization focused on helping children with autism and other chronic diseases, explained in our interview that it’s the total load of modern living that often adds up to chronic diseases like autism:

“It’s what we call the total load of modern living. The total load is a concept that’s been around for a very long time, especially in environmental medicine … Patricia Lemer, who wrote a book called ‘Outsmarting Autism,’ first applied the concept of total load to neurodevelopmental conditions like autism, where she would say, basically, ‘It isn’t one thing that causes autism. It’s really a perfect storm, a total load.

It’s too many stressors of modern living on a body that doesn’t have enough resources to withstand those stressors.’

Here’s an example. Why is it that two children go into a pediatrician’s office, one gets their 18-month vaccines and the other one gets their 18-month vaccines, one develops autism and the other one doesn’t? Is it genes? Is it what the child ate that day? Is it the fact that one child had a sickness and the other one didn’t?

Was it because this child was on antibiotics when he had vaccines and this one wasn’t? There are so many variables in each child and in each story. So, that’s where I think the total load concept or total load theory really stands up is because there’s so much medical literature on modern living and the ways that we live in the modern world and how it damages your health.

Inflammatory foods, processed foods, the enormous quantity of sugar that modern children consume, the number of pharmaceuticals children have, the antibiotics, for instance … Antibiotics … destroy your gut bacteria. What is the significance of that? That gut bacteria regulates everything from your immune system to your digestion of food and your metabolism.

So, all of those factors are going to impact a child, especially when they are in that critical developmental time. So, if you think about an infant and all the work they have to do to get to crawl, and walk, and talk, and relate to the humans in their lives, all of that takes an enormous amount of energy.

If their body is burdened with toxins from the laundry detergent, and from the mercury and cadmium on their toys, and from the inflammatory foods they’re eating, and their vaccines and their antibiotics and their proton pump inhibitors … that’s when you’re going to see them begin to develop symptoms, whether those are skin symptoms, like eczema, allergies, or whether it’s neurodevelopmental symptoms.

As we’re going through this developmental timeline, if you have an enormous burden of stressors, inflammation going on in your body, and you’re supposed to be developing vision or speech, your body’s too busy dealing with all those stressors, so you’re going to have an arrested, impaired, or delayed development.”

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are the cigarettes of the 21st century — and most people are being exposed 24 hours a day. Most of the radiation emits from cellphones, cell towers, computers, smart meters and Wi-Fi, to name just a few of the culprits.

Exposure causes serious mitochondrial dysfunction due to free radical damage. Among the most common consequences of chronic EMF exposure to your brain are chronic conditions like Alzheimer’s, anxiety, depression and autism.15

Research published in Pathophysiology suggests autism may be associated with biological disturbances that are similar to the effects of EMF and radiofrequency exposures.16 Martin Pall, Ph.D., also discovered a previously unknown mechanism of biological harm from microwaves emitted by cellphones and other wireless technologies via voltage gated calcium channels (VGCCs) embedded in your cell membranes.17

VGCCs are found in high concentrations in the brain, and research involving animals has shown that even low levels of microwave EMFs can have significant and varied effects on the brain. Studies suggest that when these VGCCs are activated by EMFs, it can lead to a range of neuropsychiatric effects.

At least 26 studies have linked EMFs to neuropsychiatric effects, and five specific criteria have been used to demonstrate that this relationship is causal, meaning EMFs can cause these effects.18 While it’s nearly impossible to avoid EMF exposure completely, there are practical ways to limit it.

Given the number of EMFs that bombard you all day long, getting educated about the negative effects of EMFs is imperative to your well-being. Particularly if you are dealing with a serious illness or neurodevelopmental disorder like autism, it is well worth your time to reduce your EMF exposure as much as possible.

One strategy is to connect your desktop computer to the internet via a wired connection and put your desktop — and cellphone — in airplane mode. Also avoid wireless keyboards, trackballs, mice, game systems, printers and house phones. Opt for the wired versions instead. If you must use Wi-Fi, shut it off when not in use, especially at night when you’re sleeping. Shutting off the electricity to your bedroom at night will also help reduce your exposure.

Avoiding antibiotics, including those found in conventionally raised meat, is key to keeping your microbiome health intact. Ultraprocessed foods, artificial sweeteners, chlorinated and fluoridated water and antibacterial products are other culprits that can worsen your microbial health.

Consuming fermented foods is an important step to increase microbiome diversity as well as decreases markers of inflammation.19 If you do take antibiotics or are looking for another supportive measure for gut health, consider spore-based probiotics, or sporebiotics. These are part of a group of derivatives of the Bacillus microbe and have been shown to dramatically increase your immune tolerance.

During pregnancy and in early life, vaginal delivery (versus caesarean), breastfeeding and exposure to older siblings can help establish a healthy microbiome during these crucial periods of development.20 As noted by microbiologist Dr. Marty Blaser:21

“Before modern times, microbes were transferred from mother to child during vaginal birth, from the mother’s breast during nursing, through skin-to-skin contact, and from the mother’s mouth by kissing.

Now, widespread cesarean delivery, bottle-feeding, extensive bathing (especially with antibacterial soaps), and especially the use of antibiotics have changed the human ecology and altered transmission and maintenance of ancestral microbes, which affects the composition of the microbiota.

The microbes, both good and bad, that are usually acquired early in life are especially important, since they affect a developmentally critical stage.”

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Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Mercola, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked.

The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Mercola and his community. Dr. Mercola encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The subscription fee being requested is for access to the articles and information posted on this site, and is not being paid for any individual medical advice.

If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care professional before using products based on this content.