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Eddie's Blog List – Page 2 – Dispelling The Mainstream Narrative

The Benefits of Fermented Beets

fermented beets benefits

  • Raw beet juice has been shown to lower blood pressure thanks to naturally occurring nitrates that are converted into nitric oxide in your body. Nitric oxide relaxes and dilates blood vessels, improving blood flow

  • Beet juice can also boost stamina during exercise by as much as 16%, and has been shown to improve muscle capacity in people with heart failure by 13%

  • Fermenting your beets gives you all the health-boosting benefits of raw beets — which are made even more bioavailable through fermentation — plus the beneficial bacteria and enzymes that result from fermentation

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Editor’s Note: This article is a reprint. It was originally published December 26, 2016.

Beets and raw beet juice are typically recommended in limited amounts due to high sugar content. However, when fermented, beets are among the healthiest vegetables out there, as most of the sugar is then gobbled up by beneficial bacteria during the fermentation process while leaving other health-boosting ingredients intact.

Fermented foods are also chock-full of probiotics or good bacteria. A large number of studies have demonstrated how the ideal balance and diversity of bacteria in your gut forms the foundation for physical, mental and emotional well-being, and fermented beet juice has many additional benefits beyond probiotics.

For example, raw beets have been shown to lower blood pressure by an average of four to five points in a matter of hours.1 This effect is due to the naturally occurring nitrates in beets, which are converted into nitric oxide in your body.2

Nitric oxide, in turn, relaxes and dilates your blood vessels, improving blood flow and lowering blood pressure. In fact, medicinally, nitrates are used to treat angina and congestive heart failure, and research shows a glass of beetroot juice has the same effect as prescription nitrates.3

Competitive athletes also use beet juice for its nitric oxide-boosting benefits. Research shows raw beets can boost stamina during exercise by as much as 16%,4 an effect attributed to increased nitric oxide.

In another study,5 nine patients diagnosed with heart failure who experienced loss of muscle strength and reduced ability to exercise were found to benefit from beet juice.

The patients were given 140 milliliters (mL) — about two-thirds of a cup — of concentrated beet juice, followed by testing, which found an almost instantaneous increase in their muscle capacity by an average of 13%.

One important caveat — Avoid using mouthwashes or chewing gum, as this prevents the nitric oxide conversion from occurring.6 The reason for this is that the nitrate is converted into nitrite in your saliva by friendly bacteria. That nitrite is then converted into nitric oxide in other places of your body.

Naturally occurring betaine in beets also reduces inflammation and protects against environmental stressors that can play a role in heart disease.

The phytonutrients that give beets their deep crimson color also have powerful anticancer properties. Research7 has shown that beetroot extract reduced multiorgan tumor formations in various animal models when administered in drinking water. Beetroot extract is also being studied for use in treating human pancreatic, breast and prostate cancers.8

In addition, raw beets can boost immune function thanks to high vitamin C, fiber, potassium and manganese, while the betalain pigments and sulfur-containing amino acids in beets support your body’s Phase 2 detoxification process. Traditionally, beets have been valued for their ability to purify your blood and liver.

High in the B vitamin folate, beets also lower your stroke risk and are an excellent food for pregnant women. Folate is essential for many bodily processes, and deficiency during pregnancy raises the risk of birth defects. The blood-cleansing properties of beet kvass can also alleviate morning sickness.

Fermenting your beets rather than eating them raw gives you all the health-boosting benefits of raw beets — which are made even more bioavailable through fermentation — plus the beneficial bacteria and enzymes that result from fermentation.

Besides pickled beets and beet-infused sauerkraut,9 fermented beet juice, known as beet kvass,10 is rising in popularity in the West. Beet kvass has a long tradition of use in Russia, Ukraine and other eastern European countries, where it’s consumed therapeutically as a general health tonic. It’s also commonly added to soups, sauces and vinaigrettes.

Traditionally, beet kvass has been used to boost immune function, cleanse blood, combat fatigue and treat kidney stones, chemical sensitivities, allergies and digestive problems. Anecdotal reports suggest beet kvass can even improve the appearance of age spots, thicken hair and minimize graying of hair.

A 2015 animal study confirms the gastrointestinal benefits of lacto-fermented beetroot juice, showing it improves gut microbiota and metabolic activity.11

Because of its detoxifying properties, avoid drinking too much when first starting out. Doing so could result in an overload of released toxins, producing bloating, constipation and/or cold or flu symptoms.

As a general recommendation, start with 1 ounce per day, gradually increasing the amount to an 8-ounce glass per day. If you’re highly toxic, you need to start with as little as a tablespoon.

A number of beet kvass recipes can be found online. Here’s one from

Ingredient list:

  • 2 large raw organic beets, cut into 1-inch cubes. Do not grate them, as this will release too much sugar. You do not need to peel the beets if they’re organic, unless you really want to, as the skin contains many bacteria that drive the fermentation. If using conventionally grown beets, peeling is advisable to avoid pesticide residues.

  • 3 tablespoons of sauerkraut juice or pickle juice.

  • Pure, filtered water, freshly squeezed beet juice or a combination of beet juice and pure water. Tap water tainted by chlorine or other chemicals will not work, as the chemicals will prevent fermentation and cause rotting instead. If using tap water, be sure to boil it first and let it cool before using.

  • Optional: 1/2 teaspoon of natural unrefined salt, such as sea salt, or my personal favorite, Himalayan salt. The salt prevents bad bacteria from forming, but too much will make the drink unpalatable.

Place the beets in a large-mouth mason jar, filling the jar about one-third of the way. Add sauerkraut or pickle juice, salt, and water or beet juice, leaving 2 inches of space between the top of the liquid and the lid. Cover tightly and shake well to dissolve the salt.

Keep at room temperature for three to five days. In winter months, the fermentation process can take up to seven days due to colder room temperatures. Keep the lid tightly closed but remember to release pressure daily.

If froth, scum or mold develops, simply skim it off the top with a spoon. Do a daily taste test, and when the kvass has developed a pleasing taste, place it in the refrigerator to stop the fermenting process. Fizzy bubbles rising to the top is a sign that it’s ready.

If you like, you can separate the kvass from the beets by straining the liquid into a clean jar. As for storage, research shows that when refrigerated, lacto-fermented beet kvass retains its antioxidant powers for as long as 30 days.13 Naturally, the beets can be consumed as well, or you can reuse them to start another batch of kvass.

The beets also make an excellent addition to traditional borscht soup (beet soup) while the kvass can be used to pickle hard-boiled eggs. Some beet kvass recipes call for whey to be used,14 but it’s not really necessary and adds more steps and time to the process. Flavors can also be added,15 such as raisins, strawberries, fresh-squeezed orange juice, apple, carrots, lavender, fresh or dried mint leaves, cinnamon or ginger.

Whether you’re juicing your beets, eating them raw or fermenting them, I strongly recommend buying organic beets. As with many other crops, most of the sugar beets grown in the U.S. are now genetically engineered (GE). While table beets are not currently GE, they’re often grown in close proximity to sugar beets, and cross-pollination is known to occur. So, when choosing beets to eat, opt for organic varieties whenever possible to avoid potential GE contamination.

You can also buy your own heirloom beet seeds because beets are easy to grow. The many nutrients and real health advantages they offer are worth it. Besides the beetroots, beet greens offer a plethora of vitamins and minerals, too. They’re a great source of fiber — 1.41 grams in just one cup — as well as vitamin B6, magnesium, potassium, copper, manganese and antioxidants.16

The high amount of vitamin K in beet greens contains blood-clotting properties, fights aging, supports your DNA, reduces risk of osteoporosis, works with calcium to boost bone strength and also plays a role in fighting Alzheimer’s disease. Beet greens contain more iron than spinach and a higher nutritional value than the vegetable itself.17 Besides using young beet greens in salads or sautéing, juicing beet greens is another excellent way to obtain all these nutrients.

As you can see, beets have a wide range of health benefits. If you struggle with high blood pressure or heart failure, you can experiment with raw beet juice or beet kvass and see how it impacts you. If you notice improvements in your blood pressure or stamina after drinking the juice, then it’s a good fit.

If you have diabetes or are insulin resistant, carefully monitor how raw beet juice affects your overall health, and factor that into how often you choose to consume it. Typically, moderation is best.

Using beet kvass would appear to be a far better option, as much of the sugar is eliminated in the fermentation process. By supplying beneficial bacteria, the drink can also have a beneficial impact on diabetes and a whole host of other health problems, especially ailments rooted in gut dysfunction, and that list is a rather long one since it’s difficult to be optimally healthy if your gut microbiome is unhealthy.

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The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Mercola and his community. Dr. Mercola encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The subscription fee being requested is for access to the articles and information posted on this site, and is not being paid for any individual medical advice.

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Full Moon Reading 18 Sep 2024

SkyView Astrology: Full Moon Reading 18 Sep 2024

by Katharina Bless


We are challenged to move beyond the false matrix and focus on what is behind and learn to focus on our true ability to create. We create our lives, conscious or unconscious and have to look at it like a gardener harvesting what s/he was planting before.


Here the link to the videos:


Brighteon: can’t upload: bit rate too small (what every that means…)

The real star constellations are telling us where we are in the moment in time and show the time quality of now. It is a very powerful help to know where we are and see the next steps of where we want to go. It’s time to make decisions!

Astrology is not telling us who we are and neither do the stars influence us or any thing. Each stars movement is aligned to a rhythm and represent a certain time quality. Every thing in the energy field where we live in, has its own rhythm!

Here you can find introductions to this method to better “see” what it is all about:
These are Introductions because it is quite different from the Western/Tropical Astrology:

A guide to Life’s Pilgrimage and the Soul’s Path of Evolution

Are stars influencing us?


Embracing the Vitality of Risk on the Spiritual Path

There will come a point on the spiritual path where there’s nothing for it but to risk all. The soul wants to flow as freedom. It doesn’t calculate what is logical, safe, or will gain the best practical outcome. It is yearning to be forged by the crucible of life into something immortal, beyond fear and limitation. Not that the soul doesn’t have boundaries, not that it doesn’t blend into rigid realities, it does. But its purpose is to be the expression of the unbounded, unconstrained, fearlessness of the One.

It’s time to break through the glass ceiling

Risk is the antithesis of security. It’s where you’re presented with a choice and you have no idea what’s on the other side. You don’t know if what you’re being invited to do will work, or where it will lead. Let’s be clear – truly following the soul will take you to the limit of what you feel secure. This is the crux point, which pulls on all the remaining ties of ego.

And that’s exactly why, if you’re truly walking the path, you’ll hit the ‘glass ceiling’. You’ll encounter the final restraint that provides shelter and comfort to the ego. To break the glass ceiling, is to dive right into your fear. At this point, ego explodes and full kundalini is activated.

Activated kundalini is boundless, free-flowing soul, down from the source, through your being, and back again, all inside of yourself. The sense of freedom is like metaphorically surfing a 100ft wave, snowboarding down a mountain without control, or base jumping into thin air, wondering if your ‘suit’ will carry you.

Risk in the day-to-day challenges of Life

Now, I’ve used these emotive metaphors because that’s what it feels like to me. But let me hasten to add, I don’t surf ocean waves, I don’t snow board down mountains and I certainly don’t base-jump off cliff edges! But how might you apply these metaphors to the challenges you face in modern society?…

  • What about leaving a job that you know isn’t for you, yet pays the rent?
  • Could it be beginning that new passion with minimal resources and committing all that you have?
  • Might it be daring to move on from a secure relationship, but which didn’t fully work?
  • Or else could it be challenging the judgments friends and family members place on you?

All of these situations are often powerfully emotive, and can stretch you to the limit because of the risk of losing that’s involved. But whenever you take such a leap of faith into these kinds of circumstances, in terms of the forging of the soul, you will never lose.

Preparation for Risk

It is also vitally important to say that to confront fear by taking a risk, doesn’t mean to do so recklessly. You don’t base-jump off a cliff edge without a flying suit (although when you discover Dragon Energy, you’ll realise you don’t need one!). You don’t throw yourself into a 100ft wave without a surfboard. And there’s much preparation that goes with it too. To follow the natural pathway of the soul in a particular ‘landscape’, will involve the application of skills. You may be a natural healer, but you’ll still need to hone the gifts of your craft to have some chance of success.

So taking risk doesn’t equate to being reckless. But if you’re truly following the soul, it will prepare you for the point at which it’s time to jump into the unknown. And there’s no avoiding this, if you’re to truly know the boundlessness of the One.

Think “Innovation”

Crucially, preparing for risky situations, and developing yourself to face them, will involve daring to take the tried and tested in your life, but then doing it differently – think “Innovation”.

When you think about it, “Innovation” doesn’t mean simply abandoning all the practices you’ve known and all the skills you developed along the way.

Innovation means taking the threads of the old,
and fearlessly weaving them into a new garment.

Here’s an Openhand Video on Innovation

The Passion of Risk

There’s often great passion that comes with risk taking too. In fact, for me, it’s hard to imagine forging the soul through risky situations without passion. I observe this is one of the limitations often encountered in the spiritual mainstream – it’s seen as not ‘spiritually correct’ to unleash emotion. And so the natural passion of the soul is frequently dissolved out.

This in itself creates the limitation of spiritual identity – a particular form of the glass ceiling, under which I observe many languish. Hence, if you truly yearn to break through the final ties of ego’s limitation, I’d advise applying yourself to experiences which generate, and unleash, passion. Many a time I’ve found myself standing on the edge – it was always passion that carried me over and through.

What is it that ignites the spark of your passion? Do you know yet?

Risk ignites the fire of the soul

When you find yourself easily rising to great passion at times in your life, then as the crux point of risk arrives, the flame of the soul will ignite and carry you through, leading to unimaginable expansion and liberation.

So I’d advise frequently exploring the ‘ignition point’ in daily life, the one that fires and unleashes soul.

For me, it can be something as simple as emotive music that ignites passion in my life. Or free wheeling in the unknown, following the divine signs and synchronicity to some distant inner shoreline. And emotive film carries me into this ‘dream time’ too. Which for me, is often more real than ‘reality’. Maybe it’s time to acknowledge, confront, and break through risk in your life?


BREAKING: Forced to get 3 vaccines to receive medical care, 23-year-old Alexis Lorenze is now fighting for her life

This is one of the most horrific vaccine injury stories I’ve ever heard of.

Alexis Lorenze is a 23-year old young woman with a history of Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) since January 2024.

The hematologist (Zahra Pakbaz) at her hospital (UC Irvine Health) refused to give her further care for her PNH unless she took the Tetanus, Pneumococcal and Meningitis vaccines.

Within 10 minutes of the 3 vaccines which were given all at the same time, Alexis went temporarily blind in both eyes, had a locked jaw, began vomiting and then things went horribly downhill from there.

Watch this short video:

Sept 17: 7pm
Alexis has been transferred to the ICU and is now starting to get the treatments she needs. The hospital management is aware of who I am, who Angela is, etc. This is helping because they now know the world is watching. This has elevated her treatment to be what she should have gotten in the first place. The doctor who required the 3 vaccines is nowhere to be found. I want to see the scientific data justifying her refusal to treat Alexis without those 3 vaccines. There is no data whatsoever that I’m aware of. The legal team was hoping to press criminal charges against me for publishing Alexis’s medical records, but they’ve learned that this was done with permission, so now they have no case.

Sept 17: 5:45pm
Alexis can’t transfer to another hospital. She’s covered by Medicaid, and the other hospital doesn’t take Medicaid. So she’s stuck at UCI. But Angela has arranged to get her many of the drugs she needs to get better.

Sept 17: 5pm
CHD and Polly Tommey (Producer of Vaxxed) cover the event live from UCI with a camera crew:

Sept 17: 4pm
Short video and thread for the latest updates on the story.

This is a very serious vaccine injury and Alexis is now fighting for her life in the hospital. After her vaccine injury, UCI Health did nothing to alleviate her condition. They just gave her medications for dealing with the pain.

VSRF has sent Angela Wulbrecht, RN to try and save her life with our trusted team of doctors by our side.

Angela arrived Tues, Sep 17 at UCI.

Step 1: transfer her to another hospital where she can get treated for her vaccine injuries.

Alexis has no health insurance in California. She is being transported today to a private hospital in Los Angeles for specialized treatment. 

People have asked what they can do to help.

Please consider making a small donation to her official fundraising site which is sponsored by VSRF. 100% of funds collected (minus processing fees) goes to Alexis.

Tues, Sept 10: She has PNH and had terrible migraines for the last 2 weeks. Went in for help. Checked into UCI Hospital. ABNORMAL ECG – Sinus tachycardia Abnormal T, consider ischemia, anterior leads. Her HR is 131 bpm. Her hemoglobin was 3.1 (severely low). Her platelets were

Her Troponin I was high at check in which is an indicator of heart damage.

Her platelets (needed to prevent bleeding) were very low (28) at check in and got worse.

Fri, Sept 13: Given platelets by IV. Doesn’t seem to increase her counts. They did bone marrow biopsy and 2-3 transfusions.

Sat, Sept 14, 2pm: Hematologist (Zahra Pakbaz) tells Alexis they will not treat her any further unless she is up-to-date on her vaccines. They gave her tetanus, meningitis and pneumonia all at once. She has had ZERO V’s with the exception of when she was a baby. 2 V’s in her left arm and 1 V in her right. Within 10-minutes post vaccines, she couldn’t move her arms and was blind in both eyes.

Alexis gave me permission to retrieve and post her medical records.

You can download the records since vaccination (Sep 14) here.

Any X Community Note saying her condition is not verified should check here first and contact me if you want to see any more medical records so we can stop the ridiculous misinformation campaign that is being put on by advocates of vaccines.

She started with PLT of 28 on check in. Look what has happened since then: from bad to worse. There is NO PLAN OF ACTION. Just pain meds.

D-dimer is an indicator of clots breaking down.

Look at the value on check-in (Sep 10) for PLT and D-Dimer:

Look at the value Sep 16 9:21pm after just 6 days of hospital care where they did nothing. Significantly worse for PLT and D-dimer. D-dimer is nearly 10X higher.

UCI is treating this with additional pain medicines.

TimesNowNews: What Happened To Alexis Lorenze? Florida Woman Shares Health Updates On TikTok After Severe Vaccine Reaction

Dramatic before vaccines vs. post-vaccine video. Click the image to see and play all the videos.

Too many to list.

No, not according to the standard of care listed in UpToDate.

In the words of one doctor, “they royally fucked up.”

I’ll be updating this story as we learn more.

The videos should be required watching before anyone takes ANY vaccines. A safe vaccine cannot trigger a reaction like this.

Just 3 vaccines and 10 minutes later her life has changed dramatically.

I wish I knew what the medical necessity of getting these vaccines was. Is there any data justifying these three vaccines must be given before medical care is given?


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