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Wall Arch

First reported in 1948, Wall Arch who ranked 12th in larger size among 2000 arches reported in the park, collapsed dring the night of August 4, 2008. It was located in South Devil Garden along the popular and well-maintened trail of Devils Garden in Arches National Park, Grand county, Utah, USA. The natural arch had a span of 20,5 meters.

 notable places
 Arches National Park (Utah-USA)
 South Devils Garden
 Landscape Arch
 Double O Arch
 Broken Arch
 Tunnel Arch
 Wall Arch
 Partition Arch
 Crystal Arch
 Hidden Arch
 Navajo Arch
 Pine Tree Arch
 Box Arch
 Magic Mystery Bridge
 Skyline Arch
 Private Arch
 White Fin Arch
 Diamond Arch
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