Italian Indigenous Varieties: Malvasia Nera from Bolzano

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Today’s indigenous variety is called Malvasia Nera, one of the many in the Malvasia family of grapes. I will be writing about Malvasia for many weeks to come. This first one is thought to have been brought introduced in the Veneto by Greeks in the 13th century, specifically the cities of Monebasia from which its name is derived. It was grown in Trentino Alto Adige, particularly in Terlano, Bolzano and Valsugana.

This variety makes a wine with good acidity and few tannins. It can be made into a monovarietal or blended with other grapes. It is seen in the province of Bolzano, Arezzo, Salerno, Nuoro, Cagliari, Sassari and Oristano. This Malvasia Nera needs to be distinguished from the other Malvasia Nera Lunga which is used in Piedmont and the Malvasia Nera from Brindisi used in Puglia or the Malvasia Nera from Basilicata.

Lots to learn as we discover the Malvasia family.

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