Town of Cavezzo

Information about Cavezzo

ZIP Code: 41032 - Town Hall address: Via Cavour 36, Phone: ++39 0535 49850, Fax: ++39 0535 49850, E-Mail: Province: Modena. Distance from the chief town (Modena): 27 chilometri. Inhabitants: 7,026 (Istat 2016). Denomination: Cavezzesi. For the town of Cavezzo are also available the following PEC o CEC-PEC e-mail addresses: (pec). >>>COVID-19<<< Data about spreading of Covid-19 in Cavezzo are not yet available: for the province of Modena, to whom Cavezzo belongs, on 2024-04-17 are reported 319,861 cases. In the previos day there were 319,870 cases, thus having a variation of -9 cases, i.e. -0.00% with reference to the number of cases reported in the previous day. Please follow this link for updated information on Covid-19 including new cases and percentage changes for the whole of Italy, regions and individual provinces

The common family names in the municipality of Cavezzo

The most common five family names

There are in Cavezzo Surname
101.40 Malavasi
80.60 Benatti
70.20 Lugli
67.60 Gavioli
57.20 Luppi
Geographical data, Population and Statistical data

Geographic data: Surface: 26,77 square kilometers. Height above sea level: 24 meters. Min. height: 19 meters. Max. Height: 30 meters. Altimetric difference: 11 meters.

Population and Statistical data: Population density: 250,82 inhabitants per square kilometer. Population on 1991: 6.351 inhabitants - Population on 2001: 6.722 inhabitants - Population on 2011: 7.196 inhabitants .- Percentual variation 2001 -1991: 5,84%. Percentual variation 2011 -1991: 13,30%. Percentual variation 2011 -2001: 7,05%. Families: 2.586. Medium value of the components of a generic family: 2,60 people.

Most recent data about Population: On January, 1 2016 there where 7,026 inhabitants in Cavezzo, 3,421 males and 3,605 females. There where 50 inhabitants less than one year old (25 males and 25 females) and 3 inhabitants being one-hundred years old or more (1 males and 2 females).

Foreign citizens: On January 1, 2014 were resident in Cavezzo 959 foreign citizens, 486 of whom males and 473 females.On December 31 of the same year were resident in Cavezzo 980 foreign citizens, 481 of whom males and 499 females, thus being the 13.62% of the population of Cavezzo.

Workers: 3.172 people, that is the 47,19% of the inhabitants of the town of Cavezzo.

Industries:314 Workers:1.917 Percentual value:60,44%
Services:187 Workers:420 Percentual value:13,24%
Administration:54 Workers:332 Percentual value:10,47%
Others:166 Workers:503 Percentual value:15,86%

Data about population living in Cavezzo

NOTICE: in what follows data refers to Cavezzo, where rises the City Hall of Cavezzo, (and then not to the whole territory of Cavezzo). For the sake of simplicity we will us the term of Cavezzo.

In Cavezzo live five thousand, four hundred and sixty-four people: two thousand, six hundred and two are males and two thousand, eight hundred and sixty-two are females.

There are two thousand, one hundred and twenty-five singles (one thousand, one hundred and twenty-seven males and nine hundred and ninety-eight females). There are two thousand, five hundred and eighty-one people married, and one hundred and twenty people legally separed. There are also one hundred and fifty-four divorced people and four hundred and eighty-four widows and widowers.

Please find in what follows the table of the distribution of inhabitants by age.

Age 0-45-910-1415-1920-2425-2930-3435-3940-4445-4950-5455-5960-6465-6970-74>74

Data about foreigners living in Cavezzo

In Cavezzo live six hundred and sixty-one foreigners, three hundred and twenty-seven are males and three hundred and thirty-four are females. 277 come from Europa, 225 from Africa, 3 from America, 156 from Asia and 0 from Oceania.

Please find in what follows the table of the distribution of foreigners by age.

From 0 to 29 years174165339
From 30 to 54 years138146284
More than 54 years old152338

Education in Cavezzo

There are in Cavezzo five thousand, one hundred and fourty-seven people in school age, two thousand, four hundred and twenty-nine are males and two thousand, seven hundred and eighteen females.

GenereUniversity degreeHigh school diplomaMiddle School diploma Primary School diplomaLiteratesIlliterates

Employment rates and workers in Cavezzo

There are in Cavezzo 2543 people aged 15 years or more. 2407 are employed and 115 were previously employed but now are unemployed and seeking for a new job. There are 1369 males aged 15 years or more, 1313 are employed and 51 were previously employed but now are unemployed and seeking for a new job. There are 1174 females aged 15 years or more, 1094 are employed and 64 s were previously employed but now are unemployed and seeking for a new job.

Families and their compositions

There are in Cavezzo 2248 families, for a total of 5408 people.

Please find in what follows a table showing the number of families along with the number of people for each family.

People123456 or more

There are 2248 famiglie living in Cavezzo. 405 live in rented houses, 1618 live in houses of their own property  and 221 live in houses for different reasons.

The buildings and their characteristics in Cavezzo

There are in Cavezzo 1138 buildings, but only 1109 are used. 991 buildings are for residential use, 118 buildings are for commercial or productive pourposes. Among the 991 buildings for residential use 714 were build using bricks of tuffs, 193 were built using concrete and 84 were built using other materials like steel, wood and so on. Among the 991 buildings for residential use 301 are in excellent condition, 516 are in good conditions, 154 are in mediocre conditions and 20 are in bad conditions.

In the following three tables the buildings built for residential use in Cavezzo are classified by building year, by floors number and by rooms number.

Buildings in Cavezzo by year of construction

DateBefore year 19191919-451946-601961-701971-801981-901991-20002001-05After year 2005

Buildings in Cavezzo by floors number

NUmber of floorsOneTwoThreeFour or more

Buildings in Cavezzo by rooms number

Number of roomsOneTwoThree or fourFrom five to eightFrom nine to fifteenSixteen or more

Taxpayers, incomes and taxes in Cavezzo

Number of taxpayers for the municipality of Cavezzo: 5,277

Incomes and taxpayers by type of income

Category Taxpayers Income Yearly Average Monthly Average Previous Year Variation
Income from buildings 2,362 € 3,046,464 € 1,289.78 € 107.48 € 117.65 € -10.17
Income from employment 2,734 € 59,930,709 € 21,920.52 € 1,826.71 € 1,731.72 € 94.99
Retirement income 2,053 € 31,705,689 € 15,443.59 € 1,286.97 € 1,254.71 € 32.26
Income from self-employment 62 € 2,771,057 € 44,694.47 € 3,724.54 € 3,842.73 € -118.19
Entrepreneurs 25 € 1,587,782 € 63,511.28 € 5,292.61 € 3,548.15 € 1,744.46
Entrepreneurs with simplified accounting 199 € 4,027,683 € 20,239.61 € 1,686.63 € 1,567.08 € 119.56
Income from equity investments 374 € 5,931,505 € 15,859.64 € 1,321.64 € 1,322.56 € -0.92

Income, taxes and municipal and regional surcharges

Category Taxpayers Income Yearly Average Monthly Average Previous Year Variation
Taxable income 5,145 € 117,579,122 € 22,853.08 € 1,904.42 € 1,636.88 € 267.54
Additional tax revenue 4,137 € 112,060,248 € 27,087.32 € 2,257.28 € 1,930.65 € 326.62
Net tax 4,181 € 26,208,065 € 6,268.37 € 522.36 € 386.56 € 135.80
Municipal additional 4,080 € 560,776 € 137.45 € 11.45 € 9.78 € 1.68
Regional additional 4,100 € 1,917,454 € 467.67 € 38.97 € 31.52 € 7.45

Incomes and taxpayers grouped by income

Category Taxpayers Income Yearly average Monthly average Previous Year Variation
Total income less than € 0 15 € -213,443 € -14,229.53 € -1,185.79 € -700.18 € -485.62
Total income from € 0 to € 10,000 1,298 € 6,358,112 € 4,898.39 € 408.20 € 398.72 € 9.48
Total income from € 10,000 to € 15,000 836 € 10,497,608 € 12,556.95 € 1,046.41 € 1,046.27 € 0.15
Total income from € 15,000 to € 26,000 1,826 € 36,728,707 € 20,114.30 € 1,676.19 € 1,670.86 € 5.33
Total income from € 26,000 to € 55,000 1,069 € 36,780,331 € 34,406.30 € 2,867.19 € 2,844.70 € 22.49
Total income from € 55,000 to € 75,000 96 € 6,058,601 € 63,110.43 € 5,259.20 € 5,301.74 € -42.54
Total income from € 75,000 to € 120,000 63 € 5,784,031 € 91,810.02 € 7,650.83 € 7,615.58 € 35.26
Total income of more than € 120,000 33 € 23,283,194 € 705,551.33 € 58,795.94 € 20,142.26 € 38,653.68

Statistical data about Cavezzo

The tables and the 3D graphics about people in Cavezzo


The local taxes in Cavezzo ordered by kind and date, along with their old values ones.

Region Province Town Date Kind
Emilia-Romagna Modena Cavezzo 2017-05-23 "IMU"
Emilia-Romagna Modena Cavezzo 2016-06-13 "IMU"
Emilia-Romagna Modena Cavezzo 2014-04-14 "IMU"
Emilia-Romagna Modena Cavezzo 2012-11-22 "IMU"
Emilia-Romagna Modena Cavezzo 2017-05-23 "TARI"
Emilia-Romagna Modena Cavezzo 2016-06-13 "TARI"
Emilia-Romagna Modena Cavezzo 2015-08-10 "TARI"
Emilia-Romagna Modena Cavezzo 2014-07-23 "TARI"
Emilia-Romagna Modena Cavezzo 2016-06-13 "TASI"
Emilia-Romagna Modena Cavezzo 2014-04-11 "TASI"
Highways and motorways in Cavezzo

In the territory of the municipality of Cavezzo there are the following highways or motorways: SS 468 - di Correggio.

During the year 2014 on the portion of these roads belonging to the municipality Cavezzo there were 5 car accidents, 0 of whom were fatal accidents. There was a total amount of 8 people injuried and 0 people dead. No more recent data are available.

Town Highway or motorway Accident Values
Cavezzo SS 468 - di Correggio Car accidents 5
Cavezzo SS 468 - di Correggio Fatal car accidents 0
Cavezzo SS 468 - di Correggio People injuried 8
Cavezzo SS 468 - di Correggio People dead 0

The expenditure items and their amounts for the Municipality of Cavezzo

For the town of Cavezzo are presented in what follows data on expenditure items and their related amounts, ranked in descending order by amount of expenditure, from the highest amount to the lowest one for the most recent year available. Data are subject to revision and integration depending by available updates. Data Source: Italian General Accounting Office.


The income items and their amounts for the Municipality of Cavezzo

For the town of Cavezzo are presented in what follows data on incomes items and their related amounts, ranked in descending order by amount of income, from the highest amount to the lowest one for the most recent year available. Data are subject to revision and integration depending by available updates. Data Source: Italian General Accounting Office.


Sorroundings municipalities and hamlets of Cavezzo

The municipality of Cavezzo is surrounded by the following 6 municipalities. These latter are reported ordererd by increasing distances from Cavezzo.

Town Surrounding towns Distance
Cavezzo Medolla (MO) Km. 3.4
Cavezzo San Prospero (MO) Km. 5.2
Cavezzo Mirandola (MO) Km. 6.3
Cavezzo San Possidonio (MO) Km. 6.5
Cavezzo Novi di Modena (MO) Km. 11.7
Cavezzo Carpi (MO) Km. 13.3

In the territory of Cavezzo also rise the villages of Botteghino (14,87 km), Cantone Motta (6,18 km), Case sparse (-- km), Disvetro (4,09 km), La Bottega (2,52 km), Motta (4,82 km), Ponte Motta (5,27 km), Villa Motta (3,00 km).

The number in parentheses following each village name indicate the distance between the same village and the municipality of Cavezzo.

Weather and information about Cavezzo
Detailed and zoomable map of Cavezzo

Look at the interactive map of Cavezzo and get the road maps, the satellite maps and the mixed ones too. Interactive maps of Cavezzo also allow an immediate view of: bar, restaurants, pubs, pizzerias, dancing, night clubs, banks, jewellers, beauty centers, hair stylists, supermarkets, pharmacies.

Maps of Cavezzo

Just fill in the free text search box placed on top of the map with any of previous categories and then press enter. Please feel free to use the same free text search box placed on top of the map to find any kind of business activities you're interested into.

Where to stay in Cavezzo and its neighborhoods

Hotels, Resorts, B&B in Cavezzo and its neighborhoods.

You can arrange the results by number of stars, by popularity, by distance or even by the guest review score choosing among young couples, mature couples, families with young children, families with older children, people withfriends, or solo travellers.

Free ads in Cavezzo

Most recent free ads in Cavezzo, province of Modena, region Emilia-Romagna, updated at 03:40:08, 30 April 2024. Place your free ad on Cavezzo: no registration needed. Place your free ad.

Up to now there is no free ad placed in Cavezzo

Most recent free ads in the province of Modena
Vendesi capanna + terreno 2023-10-06
Piccolo appartamento arredato 2022-12-27
Cane femmina 2022-09-24
Most recent free ads in the region Emilia-Romagna
Duplicazioni Chiavi Auto 2024-02-15
Casa Nascosta Vacanza 2023-12-22
Vendesi capanna + terreno 2023-10-06

Electronic invoice codes for the Municipal Departments and Offices of Cavezzo

Departments, Offices, Officials and Codes for electronic invoices for the town of Cavezzo

1 Offices where found.They are reported in alphabetical order in what follows.

OfficeUnique CodeManager
Via Cavour, 36
41032 Cavezzo
Fiscal Code: 82000510360
UF89T6 Milena Ascari (PEC)
Phone: (++39) 053549832
Fax: (++39) 053546393
The Town Council of Cavezzo

Please find in what follows the full listing of the Mayor, the Aldermen and the Councillors of the municipaly of Cavezzo that are actually on charge.


Lisa Luppi , Nata il 18/05/1978 a MIRANDOLA (MO).
Titolo di studio: Laurea
Categoria professionale: Persone in cerca di prima occupazione
eletta il 26/05/2019 e nominata il 27/05/2019 - Partito: Lista civica Facciamo Squadra .

Vicesindaco non di origine elettiva

Fabrizio Trevisi.

Assessore non di origine elettiva

Ilaria Lodi, Mario Tinti, Mattia Zapparoli.

Consigliere - Candidato Sindaco

Enrico Malverti, Stefano Venturini.


Davide Bertoni, Giulia Bianchini, Farah Britel, Alberto Malagoli, Marcello Mantovani, Maura Oddolini, Franca Pacchioni, Valentina Pacchioni, Ivo Paradisi, Michele Soffritti.

Additional biographical information, educational qualifications and occupations exercised by the Aldermen and Councillors of the municipality of Cavezzo are available by clicking the "Additional Information" button.

The Parishes in Cavezzo

There are 3 parishes in Cavezzo.

S. Egidio AbateCavezzoPiazza Zucchi5,100Archdiocese of Modena - Nonantola
S. Giovanni BattistaCavezzoDisvetroVia di Mezzo - Disvetro750Archdiocese of Modena - Nonantola
S. Maria ad NivesCavezzoMotta sulla SecchiaVia Nuova Molza - Motta sulla Secchia800Archdiocese of Modena - Nonantola

Please find in the previous table the full listing of the parish in Cavezzo.

Banks and bank branches in Cavezzo

Number of banks matching search criteria: 6

Region Province Town Hamlet Address Zip Code Bank ABI CAB
Emilia-Romagna Modena Cavezzo - Piazza Martiri della Liberta', 4 41032 Banca Sella - S.P.A. 03268 66720
Emilia-Romagna Modena Cavezzo - Via Volturno, 47/49 41032 Banco Popolare - Societa' Cooperativa 05034 66720
Emilia-Romagna Modena Cavezzo - Via Cavour, 108 41032 Bper Banca S.P.A. 05387 66720
Emilia-Romagna Modena Cavezzo - Via Cavour, 42 41032 Cassa di Risparmio Di Parma e Piacenza S.P.A. (in Forma Abbreviata Cariparmaepiacenza S.P.A.) 06230 66720
Emilia-Romagna Modena Cavezzo - Via Volturno, 46 41032 Cassa di Risparmio in Bologna S.P.A. (In Forma Abbreviata Carisbo S.P.A.) 06385 66720
Emilia-Romagna Modena Cavezzo - Via Verdi, 3 41032 Unicredit, Societa' per Azioni 02008 66720
Pharmacies in Cavezzo and surroundings

Pharmacies that satisfies che search criteria: 2

Name Town Address Hamlet ZIP Kind VAT number Street View
Pacchioni della Dr.Ssa Pacchioni Natalia & C. Snc Cavezzo Via Volturno, 12 - 41032 Ordinaria 00133230367 Photo and maps
Ponte Motta Cavezzo Via Cavour, 289 Motta 41030 Ordinaria 01511240366 Photo and maps
The Parapharmacies in Cavezzo and surroundings

There is no Parapharmacy in Cavezzo.

The Schools in Cavezzo

Schools that satisfies che search criteria: 7

Name Kind Town Address Email and Pec Phone and Fax ZIP
Cavezzo Scuola dell'Infanzia Cavezzo Via Vittorio Veneto 2
San Vincenzo de' Paoli Scuola dell'Infanzia Cavezzo Via Papazzoni, 22
Via Liberta' Scuola dell'Infanzia Cavezzo Via Liberta'
Cavezzo Scuola Primaria Cavezzo Via Vittorio Veneto 2
Cavezzo Centro Scuola Primaria Cavezzo Via Vittorio Veneto 10
Disvetro Scuola Primaria Cavezzo Via di Mezzo 3
Alighieri Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado Cavezzo Via Alighieri 50
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