The Month That Was…………..

Oneiric Wines for the Wine and Oyster Tasting on the 15th Nov from 5pm

Oneiric Wines for the Wine and Oyster Tasting on the 15th Nov from 5pm

Greetings All
I know I am late getting this news off to you but October was a little on the crazy side and November is fast catching up. Although we don’t have as many events lined up for you this month we still have a few really good evenings planned. Oh my word, October was HUGE. A jam packed month full of really amazing people and events. I should just about have moved my bed in the Indulgence Cafe I spent so much time here
The October events were really wonderful, everything from the Fantasy and Horror Festival to the Pieter Dirk Uys breakfast and all the stuff in between was really entertaining and a whole bunch of fun
I hope that you at least managed to get to one of the events here

15 Minutes of Fame …….

Northcliff Melivlle Times 29 Oct 2013

Northcliff Melivlle Times 29 Oct 2013

The craft Beer Tasting with Jonathan from Three Skulls was interesting, there were some fun characters here which made for a really enjoyable evening with a dash of colour.

Craft beers Galore

Craft beers Galore

Quiz dinner is always a lot of fun and you get to realize quite how much you don’t know about the stuff around you. One of the most fun and interactive evenings of the lot was the First Annual Horror and Fantasy evening. Great, great fun. I have dedicated an entire blog post to it, see the link below.

From left Monique, Joan, Mandi and Dave

From left Monique, Joan, Mandi and Dave

Pieter Dirk Uys is and always will be the consummate performer and without a doubt he has his audience eating out the palm of his hand. He was here for breakfast and to chat about his book, Panorama which came out in July. My copy is still sitting on my desk but I intend getting to it soon now that I have Gareth Crocker’s Finding Jack, out of the way. If you need to read a delightful book, are an animal lover and need a bit of a cry, that is the book to read!

Pieter Dirk Uys Panorama Breakfast 27 Oct 2013

Pieter Dirk Uys
Panorama Breakfast
27 Oct 2013




Our Lee Marcus event was also superb. What an incredible woman she is. At 92 she was having a smoke and a whiskey at the table whilst signing books. I loved this lady and have asked her to adopt me as a grandchild. She agreed very reluctantly and only after I had lit her cigarette for her! My bad!

Lee Marcus Basha, Baby  October 2013

Lee Marcus
Basha, Baby
October 2013

We rounded off the Halloween Month with a Halloween Dinner evening that was very nicely supported and where the burgers all sported some rather unusual ingredients……………Happy Halloween it was!

Halloween Dinner at Indulgence Cafe

Halloween Dinner at Indulgence Cafe



The Twisted Market was a great success this time around, the rain held off until the evening which was awesome and we had an event onsite that you wouldn’t normally see in a public forum. Two girls with hooks in their backs pulling against each other. Sorry no pics are available and to see such a thing you really need to pop into the next market which is happening in December.

Other pics from the market tho:

The Twisted Market

The Twisted Market





A few quick reminders about things that happen here at Indulgence Cafe all the time like:
Free WiFi with Telkom Mobile, 60 minutes free, all it costs you is an sms to get going.
We are open Monday to Friday evenings with our burger menu. Monday’s we offer you a free
beer with your burger and Thursdays are Two for One burger nights! Who needs to cook when we are here to feed you
Our rotisserie chickens are available daily from 4pm at R50 a chicken. These delicious chickens are available in the evenings as well with chips and salad.
We are fully licenced and carry a large range of craft beers, our wine list is interesting and unusual
Pensioner’s lunch is on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, R30 gives you a main meal and dessert. Incredibly good value for money
We are on twitter
@indulgence_cafe, @AmigaFriedman
Every Friday is Tequila Friday, some even have a little live music attached to them. Join us and start the weekend off properly!

Link to the review of the Fantasy and horror evening evening on WordPress:
YouTube link to a snippet of the First Annual Horror and Fantasy

November Calendar:
13th Quiz dinner
15th Oysters and Wine tasting with Oneiric Wines
20th Would like an AuthorTalk here but waiting for someone to confirm!

December Calendar:
11th Quiz dinner, last one for the year
12th Author’s Cocktail Evening
13th Twisted Christmas Evening Market
23rd Pensioner’s Christmas Lunch
25th and 26th Closed
30th and 31st Closed
1st Closed

Coming up
13th November Quiz Dinner
Quiz night on the 13th which is always a really fun evening. The cost is R120 per head and includes a light dinner. The winning table will have half the cost of their meal as their prize. Book today for a truly superb evening 011 782 5063

15th November
We have wine tasting with Oneiric Wines from Elgin in the Cape. We are offering you oysters with your wine tasting. R50 gets you 6 oysters and you get to taste all the wines. Pop in from 5pm on Friday evening and come sample the good stuff. I have it on very good authority that the Chardonnay is delicious! You are welcome to order and purchase some of the fab wines you taste and if you are hungry order some food off the menu. We will be here till about 9pm

Oneiric Wines

Oneiric Wines

20th November
I am hoping to line up an author for the evening but I haven’t as yet got anyone booked, watch this space

I have included the December Calendar but I have yet to give you any details about it. Trust me when I say there are one or two very exciting things happening here during the month of December. Jozi may be a little quiet and a little empty but we have things lined up to keep you entertained!

Have an awesome November and we cannot wait to see you soon
Love ‘n Lollipops

The Queen and the Mother or the Queen Mother?

That is moi on her lap!

That is moi on her lap!

Hi All You Wonderful Bodies 🙂

Maybe I’m right
Maybe I’m wrong
Winter is singing her chilly song
A jersey, a jumper, a thick pair of socks
A scarf, a beanie, a warm head rocks
Hot chocolate and marshmallows
Fire in the hearth
Heat in abundance to warm the cold earth
Gluwein and curry
Blankets on your feet
Snuggle with a friend in a cozy retreat
Maybe I’m right
I know I’m not wrong
Winter is singing her chilly song
M. Friedman

May, a month that heralds the arrival of winter to our fine city of Jozi. Apart from the leaves on the trees changing colour and falling off to clog up the swimming pool, we don’t really have autumn and just switch from summer to winter and back. If you have been reading my newsletters for years you will know by now that I love winter, it is without doubt my favourite season. Winter is the perfect time to meditate, cogitate and ruminate, as well as being the ideal time to pop into Indulgence. The patio has been completely weather proofed now and will be snug and warm the whole of winter including the really chilly days that will pop up!

For those that don’t know………………..
Ruminate : Verb, to think deeply about something or to chew the cud. Synonyms meditate, reflect, muse, ponder, contemplate
Cogitate: Verb, to think deeply about something, meditate or reflect. Synonyms meditate , ponder, think, reflect, contemplate
Meditate: Verb, To think deeply or focus for a time for spiritual purposes or to relax, or to think deeply about something. Synonyms contemplate, think, muse, ponder, reflect, cogitate

April at Indulgence was a lovely month, we had some really amazing events. Keira Witherkay as always blew us away with the magic in her fingers as she strummed out jazz on her acoustic guitar. It was a really fabulous evening!Gareth Crocker author of Never Let Go and Finding Jack was an incredibly good sport and spent ages fielding questions that kept on being thrown at him left right and center. Our somewhat spontaneous AuthorTalk with Rahla Xenopoulos, author of the novel Bubbles was a real delight. I “interviewed” her and she was open, honest and incredibly bubbly. What a treat, not to mention she bought me a pressie, which really was the cherry on top. Rahla was here on the same night as our sushi dinner and the sushi was delicious as ever! Quiz nights are always fun and this month’s was no exception! You must join us for one!

Keira Witherkay live at Indulgence Cafe

Keira Witherkay live at Indulgence Cafe


Keira Witherkay live at Indulgence Cafe

Keira Witherkay live at Indulgence Cafe


Author Gareth Crocker reading from Never Let Go at Indulgence Cafe

Author Gareth Crocker reading from Never Let Go at Indulgence Cafe

I had the wonderful privilege of being interviewed on Radio Today on the Whispers show with Michael De Pinna and Carolyn Steyn! That was FUN! Never having been in a radio studio before, it was great fun to watch professionals at work, chat to them and have a good little laugh! I shared the studio time with a couple of the boys from the Jersey Boys show at Monte Casino. I do like a little eye candy to spice up my day you know! Below is the link to the podcast of my interview. Tune in and listen to my dulcet tones 🙂

Radio Today podcast Rahla Xenopoulos at Indulgence Café April 2013 (sound quality is not fabulous, apologies) Gareth Crocker at Indulgence Café 10 April 2013

Pics from the Radio Today interview with Michael De Pinna and Carolyn Steyn

Pics from the Radio Today interview with Michael De Pinna and Carolyn Steyn

With Jersey Boys Duanne Alexander and Grant Almarill

With Jersey Boys Duanne Alexander and Grant Almarill

Beeg, beeg things lined up for May, read on and discover what we have lined up for you…………………………….

Coming up this May 2013 at a glance:
8th Wednesday closed for dinner
9th Thursday dinner R100
10th Friday, Pot Luck Dinner
11th Pieter Dirk Uys at 9am includes breakfast R150
12th Mother’s day lunch Keira Witherkay Background Jazz R190 per head
15th Wednesday dinner
16th Thursday dinner R100
17th Friday dinner
19th Mandi away from today
22nd Wednesday dinner closed
23rd Thursday dinner R100
24th Friday dinner closed
29th Wednesday sushi evening
30th Thursday dinner R100

Dinner Menus for May 2013
9 May

Creamy leek and potato soup
Beef and mushroom casserole with mashed potatoes
Mussels in tomato and beer gravy with deep fried potato wedges
Mushroom stroganoff with mashed potatoes
Warm apple crumble and thick cream

16 May
Thick Vegetable soup with home baked rolls
Chicken curry and basmati rice with sambals and topped with poppadom
Roast beef with roast potatoes, green peas and Yorkshire pudding, gravy
Roast butternut slices, with roast potatoes, green peas, Yorkshire pudding and gravy
Individual Malva puddings and custard

23 May
Cannelloni tube filled with creamed leeks and topped with béchamel sauce and parmesan shavings
Crumbed calamari rings, savoury rice, lemon butter and garlic butter sauce served separate
Chicken casserole with white wine and vegetables, savoury rice
Thick bean stew with mashed potatoes
Home baked jam doughnuts with cream

30 May
Deep fried camembert wedges with melba toast and raspberry sauce
Beef curry and basmati rice with sambals
Chicken and vegetable stir fry with jasmine rice
Vegetable bake with cous-cous crust
Warm baked cheesecake and strawberry sauce

Pieter Dirk Uys

Pieter Dirk Uys

pieter dirk uys

Yrs, that is moi on the right!

Yes, that is moi on the right!

Pieter Dirk Uys at Indulgence
This really is a man who needs no introduction but I will give you one anyway!
Pieter-Dirk Uys was born in Cape Town in 1945 and has been in the theatre since the mid-1960s. Closely associated with both the Space Theatre in Cape Town and Johannesburg’s Market Theatre during the 1970s and 1980s, he has written and performed 20 plays and over 30 revues and one-man shows throughout South Africa and abroad.
Pieter-Dirk Uys’s new novel about South Africa’s yesterday and today, PANORAMA, is set on Robben Island exploring the experiences of two school teachers who have to accommodate a black woman coming to see her imprisoned father. This 1987 drama is balanced by the 2009 return visit to the Island by the woman with her two sons. Now in the new South Africa, a sense of closure on the past; a story of the terrible success of an appalling political system and the remarkable celebration of a democratic life after the darkness of apartheid.
Twitter: @Tannie Evita

The Man himself will be at Indulgence Café on Saturday morning 11 May. The ticket price at R150 per head includes breakfast starting before the talk and ending after the talk. Books will be on sale on the day and he will stick around to sign them for you! To eat or not to eat is the choice you have, but the cost remains the same at R150. Please be seated by 8.30am, the talk will begin around 9.45 or so.
This is a BOOKINGS ONLY event and Indulgence will be closed to those unlucky enough not to have booked for the event! Please email me or call me to book, 011 782 5063,

Mother's Day at Indulgence Cafe 12 May 2013

Mother’s Day at Indulgence Cafe 12 May 2013

Mother’s Day at Indulgence
Once a year you get a chance to really spoil your Mum. Bring her here and we will help you to make the day incredibly special.
A fabulous buffet lunch, eat as much or as little as you fancy accompanied by the sounds of Keira Witherkay’s acoustic guitar and we guarantee you a wonderful afternoon. The patio is warm and cozy, there will be Gluwein as well and it promises to be a magical day out! The cost is R195 per head. Kids under 10 eat free. For bookings please call me on 011 782 5063 or email



Sushi Dinner at Indulgence
I am away from the 20th of May until the 6th of June 2013. Indulgence will be in the very capable hands of the people who usually look after her when I am away. Being the spoiled sport that I am, I have chosen to stay open for the sushi dinner evening but close for the Wednesday evenings and Friday evenings that I am away for. So sushi is still on, on the 29th of May. There will be an email reminder going out to you but keep it in mind please. Sushi is ala carte and you pay for what you choose to eat. As always there is another option to eat, usually a warm and comforting chicken dish and some delicious vegetarian friendly soup. Bookings 011 782 5063 or

Next Month at Indulgence Café
A Double Billing of Authors with Michael Stanley’s new book and Jo-Anne Richards new book!

Deadly Harvest by Michael Stanley

Deadly Harvest by Michael Stanley

The Imagined Child by Jo-Anne Richards

The Imagined Child by Jo-Anne Richards

Quiz dinner will be later in the month on the 19th of June and sushi dinner on the 26th of June!
Thank you for joining us on this long newsletter journey, have a spectacular May and see you in June Puddings!

The Past Month in Pictures…………………

Places we have worked, things we have seen, fun we have had 🙂









Tks cake april 2013








The Guitarist, The Writer & Food to Delight Her

Always Marry An April Girl
Praise the spells and bless the charms,
I found April in my arms.
April golden, April cloudy,
Gracious, cruel, tender, rowdy;
April soft in flowered languor,
April cold with sudden anger,
Ever changing, ever true —
I love April, I love you.
Ogden Nash

Hello Friends
Welcome to another the next month in the endless cycle that move us in never ending circles through the changing seasons and heralds the arrival of winter, my favourite season.
Autumn leading headily into winter and in theory giving us time to withdraw into self, rest and reflect, eat delectable hot soups, warm breads and drink hot liquid chocolate from steaming cups. Already the days grow shorter and the mornings the light comes a little later. There is a chill in the air and a slight chill in the wind that is blowing gently through my shop at the moment. Not to mention my swimming pool was covered in yellow leaves this morning from last night’s wind and rain, some of the things about autumn are just not THAT fabulous!
March was an incredible month for us at Lollipops Catering and Indulgence Café. We shared in the joys of 30th’s 50th’s and 80th birthdays, the joys of new life and we paid homage to those that passed away. We ate sushi, played 30 seconds where we discovered that the clues for Mrs Balls Chutney was to grab your scrotum and virtually dump its contents onto the non-existent plate of curry in front of you. Not the greatest clue in the world but worth copious amounts of priceless laughter. Auriol Hays serenaded us into March and the early arrival of Easter shuffled us into April.

Scenes from a 50th birthday at Indulgence

Scenes from a 50th

Scenes from a 50th






Scenes from an 80th, my Mum’s in fact!






We went out for sushi on Sunday night and I can honestly say without a shadow of a doubt that our sushi is among the best in Jozi. The sushi we ate out didn’t even rank as far as I was concerned, was very unimpressed! Not to mention that this same restaurant charges R130 for a bottle of Fairview La Capra Merlot, which we use as house wine at R80 a bottle! Never let it be said that you don’t get value for money at Indulgence Cafe or that I’m biased in any shape or form!
All in all a great month for us but not I think, as a whole, for South Africa where our soldiers died defending foreign soil, where we celebrated Human Rights Day but a small criminal percentage of our citizens fail to respect the rights of others, raping and murdering with gay abandon and where the police will drag you, cuffed, behind a police vehicle for parking on the wrong side of the road. Maybe the onset of winter will give everyone pause to re-evaluate and question the way we do things and merely accept things in this country of ours, Cry the Beloved Country!
If there is to be a viable country in the future of SA something needs to happen now or soon this country will become ungovernable and most inhospitable

A HUGE thank you to everyone who helped us collect eggs for needy and impoverished kids! We collected, with the help of you guys, News Café Woodmead, Café 1145 in Blairgowerie, Odd Cafe in Greenside, the Fourways Farmers Market and you, the people who read these monthly and weekly missives in excess of 1000 eggs. Photos are coming in slowly but in the meantime I have these to share with you! Thank you so much for contributing eggs and for taking the time to go buy some and drop them off. I am super impressed. (Is this a good time to start asking for blankets and clothing for winter for the needy?) I would also like to say that you to Maggie Tshule and Dee Mullan for handling the distribution of the eggs for us.

These are some of the pics of the kids we donated eggs at Emthonjeni Community Center, Zandspruit and The Coalition of Angilcan Children’s Homes


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Pictures from the Easter Egg Drive 2013

Pictures from the Easter Egg Drive 2013

On to happier things and what we have lined up in April for your entertainment………………..
The month at a glance…………..
1st Easter Monday, and we are open, this is not a joke!
3rd Wednesday Quiz dinner
4th Thursday R100 dinner
5th Friday Pot luck dinner : Keira Witherkay jazz guitar evening
10th Wednesday AuthorTalk with Gareth Crocker, Penguin
11th Thursday R100 dinner
12th Friday Pot luck dinner
17th Wednesday Games evening
18th Thursday R100 dinner
19th Friday Pot luck dinner
24th Wednesday sushi evening
25th Thursday R100 dinner
26th Friday pot luck dinner
27th Public holiday Freedom Day……………..we are OPEN
30th Tuesday evening before the public holiday
1st of May Wednesday Quiz Dinner

Our Wednesdays are I know, a little confusing, as they change from week to week but there is a rhythm going now with quiz first, followed by social and games and ending the month with sushi. This month though I am making one small change as we are slotting in an Author Talk smack bang in the middle of the month on a Wednesday evening. I thought it would make a nice change from the normal Saturday afternoons.

it is quiz time again!

it is quiz time again!

Quiz Dinner
Wednesday 3rd April THIS WEDNESDAY!!!

Starting and ending April we have our monthly quiz dinner, this is proving to be a fun filled evening with good laughs! Dinner is a light self service buffet that stays out the entire time so you can help yourselves. The quiz is 9 rounds of 10 questions in which time you get to find out how much you don’t know about things you thought you knew a whole bunch about. I am hoping that once we have had this going for a number of months we can start a quiz league and the regular teams can compete for great prizes but that is further down the road. In the meantime the evening costs R120 per head. The wining team will have half the cost of their meal, drinks excluded, deducted from their bill. Only teams of 4 or smaller are eligible to win the prize so sorry if you are 5 or more.

The Link to the FB event:

Wednesday 10th April

In a slight departure from our regular Saturday afternoon AuthorTalks, Gareth Crocker will be joining us on Wednesday 10th April to chat about his new book, Never Let Go. Gareth has a couple of books under his belt already, one of which is being made into a major motion picture called Finding Jack. Come have a light buffet dinner and meet Gareth, see what he has to say and his books will be on sale if you would like to purchase one and have it signed by him! I am about a third of the way through my copy and absolutely enjoying the book, it is an easy read with a very believable plot and characters.
This is an AuthorTalk so please remember to bring along your two books, one to swap and one to donate. We donated a huge amount of books to Animals In Distress in February and I am looking forward to going even bigger during this year!

Link to the FB event:

From the publishers:
In April, we are releasing Never Let Go by Gareth Crocker. It’s a departure from his previous two novels, Finding Jack and Journey from Darkness, and is a suspenseful psychological thriller. There is some continuity however as, like his previous books, this is a story that will move you.

Never Let Go is a story of a parent’s worst nightmare, the loss of a child and the possibility of getting them back.
As he presses a revolver to his head, Reece Cole sees his little daughter’s handprints on the windowpane. One last, painful reminder of her all too short life. But then he notices something about the handprints that defies belief. Something that verges on the impossible.

He spends the next few days frantically trying to make sense of what is happening. Then a stranger stops at his gate with a small grey envelope. Inside is a single white card, inscribed with six breathtaking words: “I can bring your daughter back.”

About the author

Gareth Crocker’s debut novel, Finding Jack (2011), was published in New York to international acclaim. It was translated into several languages and featured in eight volumes of the Reader’s Digest Select Editions. In 2012 Penguin Books published his adventure novel, Journey from Darkness.

Gareth lives in Johannesburg with his wife and two young daughters. He writes only at night, unless Manchester United is playing.

Visit Gareth’s website at or follow him on Twitter @garethcrocker.

gareth crocker

Our Handsome and charismatic author Gareth Crocker

Our Handsome and charismatic author Gareth Crocker

You magazine article

You magazine article

Games Social Evening
Wednesday 17th April

This evening is shaping up slowly, but it is taking time. Bring some games, bring your family and your single friends and spend an evening with us having fun, playing games and enjoying a delicious meal. Dinner is a light buffet and is available the whole evening for you to pick at.
Always fun, always entertaining, join us!

Sushi Evening
Wednesday 24th April

I have to say that our sushi is amongst the best that I have tasted in Jozi. We do limit you to salmon only but there is enough varieties of sushi and sashimi to keep everyone happy. We have ironed out the delivery delays in getting the sushi out the kitchen faster so join us towards the end of April for a really fishy evening. As always vegetarians are taken care of and there is always a chicken or other dish for those who want to come along but don’t want sushi. The menu is ala carte so eat to your own budget. For bookings 0117825063

Our Fabulous sushi

Our Fabulous sushi



Thursday Dinners
I am still standing by this meal being the best value in Johannesburg! R100 per head excluding drinks and gratuity. You really cannot go wrong. There is a little something for everyone. The actual kitchen is closed at night so you are limited to our plated menu but eating here is well worth the experience. People are starting to book this venue for function on Thursdays because they know exactly what it is going to cost them up front. I think it is a fabulous idea, well I would, but that doesn’t make it any less true.

4 April
Vegetable samoosas with tzatziki
Roast leg of lamb, roast potatoes, roasted butternut with almonds and syrup and mint jelly
Fried fish and chips with coleslaw salad
Tomatoes stuffed with spicy vegetarian mince and topped with grilled cheese
Chocolate pot with dipping seasonal fruit and marshmallows

11 April
Tomato and basil tartlets with parmesan shavings
Roast pork fillet with apple sauce, mashed potatoes and steamed broccoli and feta salad
Fish sosaties with mashed potatoes, and steamed broccoli and feta salad
Cannelloni stuffed with creamy spinach and feta, topped with cheesy sauce
Chocolate cups filled with chocolate mousse and black cherry sauce

18 April
Vegetable soup with home baked rolls
Chicken curry and basmati rice with sambals and topped with poppadom
Beef olives with sautéed potatoes, peas and carrots
Cous-cous topped with vegetarian bolognaise and topped with grated parmesan
Malva pudding and custard

25 April
Garlic and chilli button mushrooms with separate toast
Gnocchi with bolognaise sauce topped with parmesan shavings
Grilled chicken breast fingers with honey and soy marinade, Chinese noodles and stir fry vegetables
Pan fried tofu steak topped with eggplant mayonnaise with crispy French fries and
Peach Cobbler

First Fridays
The first Friday of every month is a cause for celebration at Indulgence and this coming Friday is no different. Auriol Hays set us on this path and Keira Witherkay is taking us the next step forward.
This remarkable jazz guitarist will be right here to entertain you on Friday 5th of April, so book your table and come spend the evening with us listening to some background vibes while you eat our magical food or is that listen to some magical music while you eat our background food? No, it isn’t that either, come eat lekker food and listen to some awesome music. Cost per head is R120 which includes dinner, live music and a welcome drink. Sounds great to me! For bookings 011 782 5063

The link to the FB event:

Keira doing her thing!

Keira doing her thing!

Keira doing her thing!

Keira doing her thing!

Pot Luck Fridays
The rest of the Fridays in April are all Pot Luck. So whatever the chef puts out to eat. Always a good variety and choice of food, not expensive at around R75-R90 per head for dinner. Come relax and unwind and make Indulgence the place you can ease out of the week and into the week end!

Thank Gd it's Friday

Thank Gd it’s Friday

Our Kink and Fetish Market was the best one we have had so far. It has taken us two years to build it up to a point where it really rocked. There were 11 stalls with all sorts of goodies, everyone sold stuff and loads of people popped in to browse, shop, eat and chat to friends!
These pics are care of a professional photographer who was there on the day (and a couple of mine for good measure!)


edited 4

edited 1



The Kink and Fetish Market

The Kink and Fetish Market

Our March AuthorTalk with Hagen Engler was a real treat. He is funny, entertaining and very with it and the white boy can rap with the best of them! Although I don’t think that he has Eminem’s money! What I did love about him was that he mentioned his wife a couple of times and his love for her shone through as well!

Meet Hagen Engler!

Meet Hagen Engler!





There is no prize for reading all the way to the end of this blog entry but you do deserve a medal, so I am going to give you one. Pop me an email telling me if you enjoyed reading this blog entry, if it should be longer or shorter with more or less pics in or if it is great just the way it is and I will give you a reward for being so fabulous!
Thanks so much for sharing March with us, we look forward to sharing April with you
Much Love and Many Lollipops