The Leaves Have Been Nailed

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These extraordinary growths are caused by a miscroscopic mite called Eriophyes tiliae, and it is commonly known as the Red Nail Gall Mite.

They appear on the upper surface of the leaves of Large-leaved Lime (Tilia platyphyllos) and the hybrid Common Lime(Tilia x europaea). I found this tree in a local park covered in them.

27 thoughts on “The Leaves Have Been Nailed

  1. Anne

    I have wished to teleport you here to look at some of the interesting galls I have come across here – my interest in them awakened by your wonderfully clear photographs and explanations. Your title is perfect for these one 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Peter Hillman

      Thank you, Steve. Galls are very interesting, and when you think there are just over 1,000 species here in Britain I have only really scratched the surface. I am on the look out for more 🙂 I have seen your gall before and commented, and it is a real beauty!

      Liked by 1 person

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