Taxon profile


Eriophyes leiosoma (Nalepa, 1892)

kingdom Animalia - animals »  phylum Arthropoda - arthropods »  class Arachnida - arachnids »  order Prostigmata »  family Eriophyidae »  genus Eriophyes

Scientific synonyms

Phytoptus tiliae leiosoma Nalepa, 1892
Eriophyes tiliae var. leiosoma (Nalepa, 1918)
Eriophyes nervalis Nalepa, 1918
Eriophyes tiliae var. nervalis (Nalepa, 1918)


Eriophyes leiosoma

Author: Ondřej Zicha

Eriophyes leiosoma

Author: Ondřej Zicha

Eriophyes leiosoma

Author: Ondřej Zicha

Eriophyes leiosoma

Author: Jiří Máca

Eriophyes leiosoma

Author: Jiří Máca

Eriophyes leiosoma

Author: Jiří Máca

Taxon in country check-lists*

* List of countries might not be complete

Intertaxon relationships

host: Tilia L. - basswood

gall-making organism

Links and literature

EN de Jong, Y.S.D.M. (ed.): Fauna Europaea 2.4 [] [as Eriophyes leiosoma (Nalepa, 1892)]
Data retrieved on: 9 March 2012
CZ Máca J. (2017): Přehlížení vlnovníci s nepřehlédnutelnými hálkami: skrytá biodiverzita, Živa 3/2017, 133 [as Eriophyes leiosoma (Nalepa, 1892)]

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