Gavino Ledda

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Gavino Ledda

in Siligo (Sassari), Italy
December 30, 1938


Gavino Ledda (born December 30, 1938) is an author and a scholar of the Italian language and of Sardinian. He is best known for his autobiographical work Padre padrone (1975).

Ledda was born in Siligo, in the Province of Sassari, Sardinia, into a poor family of shepherds. Gavino's father made him leave school at the age of six, when he was only in the first year of his primary school education. Bursting into the classroom in the middle of a lesson, Ledda's father justified his position by saying that he needed the boy's help for his agricultural work, as Gavino was his eldest son. In scenes that feature in Padre padrone, he went on to say that school was a luxury that poor shepherds could not afford, and demanded that his son be handed over

Average rating: 3.9 · 507 ratings · 48 reviews · 7 distinct worksSimilar authors
Padre padrone

3.91 avg rating — 484 ratings — published 1975 — 40 editions
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Padre padrone e Recanto

3.88 avg rating — 16 ratings — published 1998 — 3 editions
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Lingua di falce

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Padre padrone: L'educazione...

0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings
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Padre padrone - Lingua di f...

0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings — published 1978
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I cimenti dell'agnello: Sos...

0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings — published 1995
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Trilogia: Padre padrone. Li...

0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings — published 2008
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Quotes by Gavino Ledda  (?)
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“Si vede che il Creatore quando ha fatto il mondo avrà chiesto aiuto al Diavolo e gli avrà detto di fare la Sardegna.”
Gavino Ledda

“Con volontà rozza, animalesca, ma inflessibile le mie dita, callose e storte dalla zappa, per la prima volta ebbero l'opportunità di esprimere, alle querce secolari, la sensibilità di generazioni e generazioni mai educate alla musica. E attraverso le mie dita l'uomo delle caverne, ancora intatto dentro di me, ma sensibile in tutta la sua umanità, incominciava a raddolcirsi con la musica: a scavare dentro di sé e a scoprire che al di là dei suoi campi il mondo non finiva con l'orizzonte e che la miniera delle sue risorse sconfinava da quel cielo che fino allora conosceva.”
Gavino Ledda, Padre padrone

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