How To Use Glx-Dock/Cairo-Dock On Ubuntu 12.04 - Page 2

3 Desktop Widgets/Desklets

On the Add-ons tab, you can add pre-configured applets to the dock (like a clock, a weather forecast, and a system monitor):

You can turn these add-ons into desktop widgets or desklets by right-clicking them and going to Edit:

On the Desklet tab, go to Visibility and check Is detached from the dock; you might also have to select Keep on widget layer if Normal doesn't work:

On the Configuration tab you can configure the desklet; click on Apply and Quit when you are finished:

Afterwards you will see that the add-on has moved from the dock onto the desktop:

This is how Glx-Dock/Cairo-Dock looks when the Unity menu has been removed:


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