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How Rare Is a Shiny Celebi in Pokemon GO?

How Rare Is a Shiny Celebi in Pokemon GO?
Tatiana Burgos

Last updated

Ever wondered about the rarity of a shiny Celebi in Pokemon GO? You’re not alone; it’s a question many trainers ask. Let’s dive into the world of shiny Pokemon and spotlight Celebi’s uniqueness.

Shiny Celebi, a variant with a distinct color scheme, is a highly sought-after creature in Pokemon GO. How rare is this shiny marvel, you ask? Let’s find out.

The Rarity of Shiny Celebi Explained

Shiny Celebi is one of the rarest Pokemon you can encounter in Pokemon GO. Unlike common Pokemon, Celebi’s shiny version doesn’t just pop up anywhere. It’s usually available through special events or specific research tasks that Niantic, the game developer, releases occasionally.

What makes shiny Celebi so rare is that it’s not part of the regular shiny Pokemon that can be caught in the wild. Instead, players need to complete special tasks or partake in events where shiny Celebi is a reward. This means its availability is limited, making it a prized catch for any trainer.

Winning Shiny Celebi Through Playbite

Here’s where it gets even more exciting! Did you know you could play fun games on the Playbite app and earn rewards like PokeCoins? That’s right! While you can’t catch a shiny Celebi directly in Playbite, those PokeCoins you earn can be super useful in Pokemon GO. They can help you purchase items that might increase your chances of encountering rare Pokemon during events. Meaning, the next time shiny Celebi becomes available, you’ll be ready!

So, why wait? Download the Playbite app now and start playing exciting games. Not only will you have a blast, but you’ll also gather rewards that can aid your Pokemon GO adventures. Who knows? Maybe shiny Celebi will be part of your collection sooner than you think.

Win PokeCoins by playing fun games on Playbite
Win PokeCoins by playing fun games on Playbite

In case you’re wondering: Playbite simply makes money from (not super annoying) ads and (totally optional) in-app purchases. It then uses that money to reward players with really cool prizes!

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