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33 High-Protein Breakfast Ideas for All-Day Energy, According to Dietitians

These delicious breakfasts are packed with all the protein (and other essential nutrients!) you need to start your day.

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A morning that starts with a high-protein breakfast is a good one, indeed. It is sure to keep hunger in check: Studies show that eating a high-protein breakfast kept subjects snacking throughout the day and feeling full and satiated for much longer than others. While there are so many great breakfast foods out there, from bagels to cereal, they don’t always pack the protein punch needed to feel satisfied. Looking for some high-protein breakfast foods? We’ve gathered our favorites that everyone will enjoy.

Meet the experts: Danielle Levy-Wolins, R.D., in-house dietitian at meal-delivery service Thistle; Cynthia Sass, R.D., C.S.S.D., New York City- and Los Angeles-based performance nutritionist; Keri Gans, R.D.N., nutritionist and author of The Small Change Diet; Georgia Rounder, R.D.N., C.D.N., nutrition communications consultant at Eat Well Global.

So wondering why are high-protein breakfasts healthy? Studies say that high-protein breakfasts offer support for appetite, but they also support energy regulation. Studies also show that older adults have seen higher protein diets as support for muscular and skeletal systems, and eating enough protein throughout the day is beneficial for all diets.

A high-protein breakfast is key to setting yourself up for success for the rest of the day. From egg recipes to delicious granolas that you can add to yogurt and fruit, there’s a dish for everyone. Dig into the most delicious meal of the day for some fun ideas to make your morning extra special.

*Additional expert contribution by dietitian Amy Kubal, R.D.N..; Jerlyn Jones, R.D.N., L.D., owner of The Lifestyle Dietitian; Ginger Hultin, R.D., a Seattle-based spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.


Spinach and Lemon Hummus Egg Wraps

spinach and lemon hummus egg wraps
mike garten

Instead of a tortilla or English muffin, use protein-rich eggs as the wrapper for a bunch of nutrient-packed fillings, like high-protein hummus, fresh herbs, and sliced tomatoes. Try this technique for lunch, too, stacked with your favorite sandwich ingredients.

Get the recipe for Spinach and Lemon Hummus Egg Wraps »


Yogurt With Strawberries and Almond-Buckwheat Groats

yogurt with strawberries and almond buckwheat groats
Mike Garten

Tiny buckwheat pearls provide crunch to your hearty bowl of A.M. yogurt and pack a mighty protein punch. Double this sweet-salty topping to add to smoothie bowls and add this important macro plus fiber, vitamin A, and vitamin C, key for immune system support.

Get the recipe for Yogurt With Strawberries and Almond-Buckwheat Groats »


Quinoa Frittata With Roasted Red Peppers and Manchego

quinoa frittata with roasted red peppers and manchego

Instead of relying on one protein, pick two. This easy breakfast bake utilizes hearty quinoa and eggs which double up on the necessary macro-nutrient and provide a host of vitamins and minerals.

Get the recipe for Quinoa Frittata With Roasted Red Peppers and Manchego »

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Raspberry-Pecan Baked Oatmeal

a casserole dish with a slice of baked oatmeal
Mike Garten

On its own, oatmeal isn’t high in protein. But you can easily increase that amount. “Make it with one cup of nonfat or low-fat milk, 2 tablespoons of natural peanut butter, and chia seeds,” says Keri Gans, R.D.N., nutritionist and author of The Small Change Diet.

Get the recipe for Raspberry-Pecan Baked Oatmeal »

RELATED: 16 High Protein Foods That Pack More Protein Than an Egg


Curry-Avocado Crispy Egg Toast

best mediterranean diet breakfasts curry avocado crispy toast
Mike Garten

Avocado toast will always be a favorite, but just toast and avocado don’t add up to a ton of protein. An easy solution: Top it off with a fried or hard-boiled egg. Each large egg adds about 6 grams of protein to the equation.

Get the recipe for Curry-Avocado Crispy Egg Toast »


Spinach and Artichoke Frittata

a skillet with an egg frittata and slice
Mike Garten

Speaking of eggs, you can never really go wrong with whisking up a carton’s worth to make a frittata. This dish is endlessly customizable, so incorporating more protein is a no-brainer—just stir in cooked turkey bacon, breakfast sausage or cottage cheese. (For reference, each slice of this vegetarian version contains about 11 grams of protein.)

Get the recipe for Spinach and Artichoke Frittata »

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Citrus-Spiced Overnight Oats

a couple bowls of food
Mike Garten

Overnight oats are a meal prep savior, and for good reason: It basically only requires you to stir ingredients together, then pop them into the fridge for the night. To boost the protein content, stir in a scoop of protein powder, says Levy-Wolins. Combine the oats and plain or flavored protein powder, then add water or unsweetened nut milk and stir well.

Get the recipe for Citrus-Spiced Overnight Oats »

RELATED: 25 Flavorful High-Protein Meal Prep Recipes That’ll Keep You Full


Crispy Seeded Buckwheat Flatbreads With Smoked Salmon

a wood food board with buckwheat crackers and smoked salmon and cucumbers on top
Mike Garten

This bagel-inspired breakfast is not a carb overload. “Top either half a whole-wheat bagel or whole-grain crackers with smoked salmon, a tablespoon of whipped cream cheese, capers, and some salt and pepper for a high-protein breakfast that always hits the spot,” says Georgia Rounder, R.D.N., C.D.N. Here, we upped the nutritional ante by piling the fixings onto a gluten-free seeded cracker.

Get the recipe for Crispy Seeded Buckwheat Flatbreads with Smoked Salmon »


Peanut Butter-Banana Pancakes

high protein breakfast peanut butter banana pancakes recipe high protein breakfast
Mike Garten

Yep, a stack of pancakes can actually pack in protein. Fifteen grams of protein from peanut butter, combined with the fiber and nutrients from bananas, ensure that you’ll feel full until lunch. For an extra boost of protein, skip the syrup and serve with yogurt and chopped nuts, plus extra bananas and honey.

Get the recipe for Peanut Butter-Banana Pancakes »

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Yogurt With Strawberries and Almond-Buckwheat Groats

a bowl with yogurt, granola and strawberries
Mike Garten

With 20-plus grams of protein per cup, there’s good reason this thick, creamy yogurt is a go-to breakfast. “Yogurt parfaits are hands-down one of my favorite high-protein breakfasts,” says Rounder. She tops plain, full-fat Greek yogurt with whatever toppings she’s in the mood for—usually a combination of walnuts (for added protein and healthy fat), berries (for fiber), a few spoonfuls of granola (for crunch), and a drizzle of honey (extra sweetness!).

Get the recipe for Yogurt With Strawberries and Almond-Buckwheat Groats »


Southwest Egg Muffins

a group of muffins
Mike Garten

Muffins don’t have to be loaded with sugar and empty carbs. Rethink your omelet so you can take it on the go and make egg muffins, says dietitian Amy Kubal, R.D.N. These perfect portable bites have 10 grams of protein per muffin, making them a high-protein pick.

Get the recipe for Southwest Egg Muffins »


Pear and Cottage Cheese Toast

pear and cottage cheese toast
Danielle Daly

Everyone seems to be talking about cottage cheese these days. The dairy product is a top choice for anyone looking to boost their protein intake (half a cup of 1% cottage cheese has 14 grams of protein and only about 80 calories). Spread some on toast, then layer on fresh fruit and nuts.

Get the recipe for Pear and Cottage Cheese Toast »

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Coconut Chia Pudding

coconut chia pudding
Mike Garten

Chia seeds are loaded with fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and they’re even a complete vegetarian protein. Still, only one tablespoon of chia seeds gets you less than 5 grams of the muscle-building nutrient, so amp up your morning chia by stirring in a spoonful of nut butter.

Get the recipe for Coconut Chia Pudding »


Egg-and-Cheese Sandwiches

high protein meal prep recipes high protein breakfast sandwiches recipe

This breakfast staple packs in 19 grams of protein per serving—and it’s actually pretty easy to make at home. Plus, these make-ahead sandwiches can hold up in the freezer for about three weeks. That means you can make a batch of these portable, protein-powered sandwiches well in advance.

Get the recipe for Egg-and-Cheese Sandwiches »


Blueberry-and-Mixed Nut Parfait

high protein breakfast blueberry mixed nut parfait
Westend61//Getty Images

Fruit-forward breakfasts can actually be chock-full of protein. Just ask this simple parfait, which provides an unbelievable 22 grams of protein. Topped with nuts, seeds, and spices, it’s everything you could want in a morning meal.

Get the recipe for Blueberry-and-Mixed Nut Parfait »

RELATED: 33 Low-Calorie Breakfasts That Are Tasty and Nutritious, According to Dietitians

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Millet Breakfast Bowl

high protein breakfast idea millet breakfast bowl

“This is perfect if you’re tired of oatmeal,” says Jerlyn Jones, R.D.N., L.D., owner of The Lifestyle Dietitian. Millet is an ancient whole grain that produces a hearty texture somewhere between oatmeal and rice pudding. It’s easy to find in most grocery stores, and topped with berries, mint, chia seeds, and sliced almonds, it’s an irresistible, healthy breakfast.

Get the recipe for Millet Breakfast Bowl »

RELATED: The 22 Best Mediterranean Diet Breakfast Recipes to Keep You Full All Morning


Roasted Mushroom and Bacon Dutch Baby

high protein breakfast healthy mother's day brunch recipes
Brian Woodcock

Does anything beat a giant pancake topped with mushrooms, bacon, and herbs? We don’t think so. This brunch dish includes 15 grams of protein, but just 352 calories—a godsend for when you’re craving something rich that won’t ruin your lunch or dinner.

Get the recipe for Roasted Mushroom and Bacon Dutch Baby »


Salmon Hash With Sunny-Side-Up Eggs

high protein breakfasts salmon eggs
Charles Masters

On top of being loaded with protein, salmon is also a great source of omega-3 fatty acids and nutrients like vitamin B12. Paired with veggies and eggs, the result is a nutrition powerhouse, packing in a whopping 37 grams of protein at less than 400 calories per serving for this filling hash.

Get the recipe for Salmon Hash with Sunny-Side-Up Eggs »

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Sheet Pan Egg Tacos

high protein breakfast sheet pan egg tacos
Mike Garten

Need to feed a crowd? These adorable little tacos can’t be beat for breakfast (or dinner, if you’d like). Just two of them pack 25 grams of protein, and your morning meal will be anything but boring. Tomatillos, jalapeño, sharp cheddar, fresh cilantro, and lime juice will certainly liven up your healthy weekend brunch.

Get the recipe for Sheet Pan Egg Tacos »



high protein breakfast shakshuka

This Mediterranean breakfast staple comes together super quickly with just a few spices, fresh tomatoes, and protein-packed eggs. Each serving has 14 grams of protein and serves the entire family right out of the pan. Just be sure to serve with some crusty bread for optimal dipping and a sprinkle of feta cheese for an extra pop of protein.

Get the recipe for Best-Ever Shakshuka »

Headshot of Becca Miller
Becca Miller
Associate Editor

Becca Miller (she/her) has been working in the Good Housekeeping Test Kitchen since 2018, where she researches and writes about tasty recipes, food trends and top cooking tools. She graduated from NYU with a liberal arts degree focusing on creative writing. She makes killer scrambled eggs, enjoys a glass of un-oaked chardonnay and takes pride in her love of reality television.

Headshot of Trish Clasen Marsanico
Trish Clasen Marsanico
Deputy Food Editor

Trish (she/her) is the deputy food editor at Good Housekeeping, where she covers all things food, from cooking trends and delicious recipes to top-tested kitchen products and grocery finds. She has more than a decade of experience writing about food for GH, Women’s Health, Prevention, Redbook, Woman’s Day, The Daily Meal and Food Network. When she’s not at the supermarket or trying out a new recipe, you can find her at the beach, in her backyard or on the couch — typically with a glass of wine in hand.

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