The late Roger ‘Syd’ Barrett, from Cambridge, was a co-founder of the 1960’s music group Pink Floyd and performed on lead guitar and vocals. He also composed many of their songs. He was responsible for inspiring an entire generation of musicians to develop their own indigenous brand of English rock music.

Syd was quintessentially English, penning idiosyncratic songs unique in style and tone.  He had a hugely attractive personality and with his good looks he was difficult to ignore. He was a quick-witted clown who kept family and friends laughing at his good-natured cheekiness throughout his younger years. Always interested in experimenting with music, he played the recorder, piano, ukulele, Jew’s harp and guitar all to a good standard.

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MERCURY STUDIOS UNVEIL THE RELEASE OF “HAVE YOU GOT IT YET?” THE STORY OF SYD BARRETT AND PINK FLOYD Produced by Mercury Studios, Believe Media and A Cat Called Rover ~OUT JULY 19, 2024~ “The Definitive Documentary On Early Pink Floyd”…
Roddy Bogawa Syd Barrett

Winner of Pink Floyd’s 50th Anniversary Animation Contest inspired by Syd Barrett

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Roddy Bogawa Syd Barrett

MOJO shortlist “Have you got it yet? The Story of Syd Barrett and Pink Floyd” for Music Film of the Year

The documentary film, "Have you got it yet? The Story of Syd Barrett and Pink Floyd", which brings former Pink Floyd, Syd Barrett, to life from stories from friends and fellow musicians was shortlisted for the Music Film of the Year in…

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3 days ago
Syd Barrett (Official)

Mercury Studios, is proud to announce the DVD+Blu-ray release on 19th July 2024 of the critically acclaimed documentary film Have You Got It Yet?, a compelling dive into the life and genius of Syd Barrett, of Pink Floyd fame. The film will also be made available on digital formats, as well as On Demand.


Directed by award-winning filmmaker Roddy Bogawa and the late, acclaimed album cover designer Storm Thorgerson (Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Paul McCartney, and Black Sabbath), and produced by Orian Williams (England Is Mine, Creation Stories, Control), the feature length documentary drew praise for its candid glimpse into the prismatic character and artistry of Pink Floyd founder Syd Barrett. Visionaries behind prog rock and British psychedelic music, Pink Floyd chartered a monolithic legacy in both music and cultural history. Syd, who gave the group their moniker by combining the names of two obscure blues players – Pink Anderson and Floyd Council, played a crucial role in igniting that history, then left the group before they met stardom.
Released in cinemas worldwide in Summer 2023, Have You Got It Yet? achieved a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, as well as a successful theatrical run with many sold-out screenings. Intimate interviews with band members David Gilmour, Nick Mason, and Roger Waters uncover Barrett’s ongoing impact on the group. Going a step further, the film also includes an interview with Syd’s sister, Rosemary Breen. Narrated by actor Jason Isaacs, the film also features original band managers Peter Jenner and Andrew King, as well as The Who’s Pete Townshend and Blur’s Graham Coxon.

In addition to the full-length film, the DVD+Blu-ray set includes a plethora of bonus features. Two poignant live performances of “Arnold Layne” are highlighted – this first features David Gilmour & David Bowie (originally released in David Gilmour’s Remember That Night Live At The Royal Albert Hall, 2007). The second is a performance from 2007’s The Madcap’s Last Laugh – a tribute concert for Syd Barrett featuring David Gilmour, Nick Mason, and Richard Wright in their final performance as Pink Floyd.

Additionally, the DVD+Blu-ray includes an interview with Bogawa and director & producer commentary of the film with Bogawa, Rupert Truman, and Julius Beltrame. Further exploring his creative works, the set features discussions surrounding Barrett’s paintings, and spoken word performances of Barrett’s lyrics by comedian Noel Fielding (“Dark Globe”), poet Rob Fitterman (“Rats”) and actor Gerard Bell (“Lucifer Sam”). The package, designed by StormStudios, is completed with an exclusive Have You Got It Yet? poster, which was also designed by the studio.

Syd Barrett and Pink Floyd crystallized a cultural moment where anything seemed possible but where that freedom could come with a cost. Was Syd just another drug casualty? Did he suffer from an undiagnosed mental condition? Or did he dislike the attention and fame as the fun turned to work? While there are no clear answers which might be the case, there is the feeling by all those around Syd that something went terribly wrong. Have You Got it Yet? is a chronicle and a mosaic of Barrett’s creative and destructive impulses, his captivating presence and absence - a portrait of the complex puzzle that was his life”.
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Mercury Studios, is proud to announce the DVD+Blu-ray release  on 19th July 2024 of the critically acclaimed documentary film Have You Got It Yet?, a compelling dive into the life and genius of Syd Barrett, of Pink Floyd fame. The film will also be made available on digital formats, as well as On Demand.


Directed by award-winning filmmaker Roddy Bogawa and the late, acclaimed album cover designer Storm Thorgerson (Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Paul McCartney, and Black Sabbath), and produced by Orian Williams (England Is Mine, Creation Stories, Control), the feature length documentary drew praise for its candid glimpse into the prismatic character and artistry of Pink Floyd founder Syd Barrett. Visionaries behind prog rock and British psychedelic music, Pink Floyd chartered a monolithic legacy in both music and cultural history. Syd, who gave the group their moniker by combining the names of two obscure blues players – Pink Anderson and Floyd Council, played a crucial role in igniting that history, then left the group before they met stardom.
Released in cinemas worldwide in Summer 2023, Have You Got It Yet? achieved a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, as well as a successful theatrical run with many sold-out screenings. Intimate interviews with band members David Gilmour, Nick Mason, and Roger Waters uncover Barrett’s ongoing impact on the group. Going a step further, the film also includes an interview with Syd’s sister, Rosemary Breen. Narrated by actor Jason Isaacs, the film also features original band managers Peter Jenner and Andrew King, as well as The Who’s Pete Townshend and Blur’s Graham Coxon.

In addition to the full-length film, the DVD+Blu-ray set includes a plethora of bonus features. Two poignant live performances of “Arnold Layne” are highlighted – this first features David Gilmour & David Bowie (originally released in David Gilmour’s Remember That Night Live At The Royal Albert Hall, 2007). The second is a performance from 2007’s The Madcap’s Last Laugh – a tribute concert for Syd Barrett featuring David Gilmour, Nick Mason, and Richard Wright in their final performance as Pink Floyd.

Additionally, the DVD+Blu-ray includes an interview with Bogawa and director & producer commentary of the film with Bogawa, Rupert Truman, and Julius Beltrame. Further exploring his creative works, the set features discussions surrounding Barrett’s paintings, and spoken word performances of Barrett’s lyrics by comedian Noel Fielding (“Dark Globe”), poet Rob Fitterman (“Rats”) and actor Gerard Bell (“Lucifer Sam”). The package, designed by StormStudios, is completed with an exclusive Have You Got It Yet? poster, which was also designed by the studio.

Syd Barrett and Pink Floyd crystallized a cultural moment where anything seemed possible but where that freedom could come with a cost. Was Syd just another drug casualty? Did he suffer from an undiagnosed mental condition? Or did he dislike the attention and fame as the fun turned to work? While there are no clear answers which might be the case, there is the feeling by all those around Syd that something went terribly wrong. Have You Got it Yet? is a chronicle and a mosaic of Barrett’s creative and destructive impulses, his captivating presence and absence - a portrait of the complex puzzle that was his life”.

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Where do we get it??

This is a brilliant documentary

Same old story, again and again…

Hopefully ALL regions as this has not been available in the US.

Very moving documentary, even you already know the story. Makes you wonder what might have been & what wouldn't have been...

By far the best production I have seen about Syd, very moving and poignant.

John Havelock have you watched this? I watched it last night on Sky. All those extras are worth picking the blu-ray up!

Can i buy this set in Sweden?

Can we stream it

It’s available on amazon, well, the book is

Will preorder this, always wanted to catch the cinema release, but was never close by. 🥰

Sold out.

É preciso dar mais importância a esse gênio, ele deixou um "manual" de como compor músicas psicodélicas para os outros integrantes...ele sempre foi a fonte de inspiração.

Is this a All region DVD? Can I get a larger no text print than the 11x14 one offered? Size of regular posters I mean?

It’s on sky arts catch-up in U.K.

I got to see this on Netflix a couple of weeks ago, loved it. I know there’s at least half a dozen Syd documentaries on YouTube already, but this one I could watch again and again.

Probably won't, but should include extras of all full versions of Syd era Floyd videos

Brilliant film. Very emotional to watch ❤

I love Syd Barrett of course, and he created Pink Floyd with Pink Anderson and Floyd Council 😍😍

Incase anyone wants to watch this right now it’s available to stream on Nowtv.


Finally ! Yay ! ❤️❤️❤️😊😊😊

Saw it at the cinema. Essential viewing

Pre ordered!!

PARTIE 5 : LE SOUVENIR TROUBLANT SUR SYD BARRETT Il prenait les cigarettes et s’en allait sans ajouter un mot. Il n'a jamais remis d'argent liquide, mais a accumulé de grosses factures sur une note que sa sœur avait l'habitude de régler. À ce moment-là, je savais qui il était et j'avais du mal à réconcilier ce reclus d'âge moyen, qui avait d'énormes problèmes à interagir avec le monde, avec le beau musicien que je voyais sourire sur les premières photographies. Comment l’auteur de paroles poétiques riches en images surréalistes pourrait-il être réduit à quelqu’un qui pouvait à peine enchaîner une phrase ? J'en avais lu suffisamment pour savoir que la plupart des critiques attribuaient ses problèmes à une dépression induite par le LSD au sommet de sa renommée. Syd était un terrible avertissement sur les dangers de la drogue. À une occasion, il est entré dans le magasin lorsqu'un magazine de musique avait une photo de Pink Floyd de l'ère Syd sur la devanture. J’ai dit à Roger – son vrai nom, Syd était un surnom – « Tu es en couverture de Mojo aujourd’hui, Roger. » Il avait l’air surpris. «Je l'aurai», dit-il. J'ai eu l'impression qu'il était content. Au cours des 25 années où il a vécu sur la place Sainte-Marguerite, je ne l’ai vu qu’une seule fois sourire. C'était dans les années 90, lorsque je possédais une Lancia Delta HF Turbo – une réplique de la voiture de rallye que Martini avait sponsorisée dans les années 80. J'en étais très fier et un jour je le lavais en tenant un tuyau d'arrosage sur le toit pour que l'eau coule en cascade sur les côtés. Syd est entré dans son jardin et m'a regardé rayonnant avec un énorme sourire sur le visage. Il n’était pas connu comme un passionné d’automobile – le seul « véhicule » qu’il possédait était un vieux vélo cabossé. Je crois que la scène l'a chatouillé parce qu'il pensait que j'arrosais ma voiture, comme si c'était une plante. Peut-être que cela l'a ramené à ses jours hippies trempés d'acide. Mais tout n’était pas mauvais. Lorsqu’il n’avait pas une de ses attaques, il était plutôt silencieux. Je n'ai jamais entendu sa télévision. Je ne l’ai entendu jouer de la musique qu’à quelques reprises – et toujours du jazz classique ou moderne, jamais de la pop ou aucune de ses propres œuvres. Au cours de ses dernières années, son comportement est devenu moins irrégulier et les cris ont complètement cessé. Il y avait encore des feux de joie occasionnels. Nous avons même reçu quelques cartes de Noël de sa part. Il les avait confectionnés lui-même, des motifs de Noël magnifiquement dessinés – des cloches et du houx sur une carte blanche. PARTIE 6 : LE SOUVENIR TROUBLANT À PROPOS DE SYD BARRETT « Passez un très joyeux Noël, de la part de Roger », disait le message. Un an, quand j'ai vu dans le journal que c'était son anniversaire, j'ai glissé une carte dans sa boîte aux lettres. La prochaine fois que je l’ai vu, il m’a dit « Bonjour » et a soutenu mon regard pendant quelques secondes. Il semblait me remercier. J’avais depuis longtemps cessé de le craindre. Je savais que c'était une âme profondément troublée, méritant de la sympathie plus que toute autre chose. Syd est décédé chez lui en juillet des suites de complications liées au diabète. Il avait 60 ans et était hospitalisé à Addenbrooke depuis environ trois semaines auparavant. Sa sœur nous avait dit qu'à son retour à la maison, il lui faudrait un aide-soignant résidant. Il n'était à la maison que depuis un jour et demi lorsqu'il est décédé. Sa maison a été vendue récemment et je suis allée la voir lorsqu'elle était sur le marché. La palette de couleurs a été décrite comme intéressante – une pièce est orange, une bleue, plusieurs sont une combinaison d’orange, de bleu et de rose – et la cuisine témoigne des aventures infructueuses de Syd dans le bricolage : un mélange d’étagères fragiles et de formes étranges. Une image me hante. Un hippopotame en jouet a été cloué sur l’une des poignées de porte. C'était typique de Syd : impénétrable, bizarre et légèrement, enfin, fou. Je suis désolé qu’il soit mort – mais il ne me manquera pas.

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Relics (subtitle: A Bizarre Collection of Antiques & Curios) is a compilation album by Pink Floyd.
The album was released in the UK on this day - 14 May 1971 and in the United States the day after.
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Love the album. Have to admit to not liking that weird face floating about eh wot

I still have my original vinyl copy

I think the Alice cooper band used part of that songs sound to create the song (Halo O Flies )

I used to always wonder if Sid got any money from this album

With this album I discovered the real PF.

Just ordered syd bluray. Brilliant

Excelente álbum e capa é impagável.

Genio ❤️

I've got that one too

J'adore tout l'album Écoute très régulièrement Le temps ou il y avait Syd Barrett ils étaient très bons et original pour l'époque 😻 Pink Floyd



Love it! Biding My Time is one of my favorite PF tracks. Some of Nick's best drumming

Philippe Spadaccini John Sutton Sure Dear Lise Duces Armando Diaz Dan Latuff David Byous Antoni Robert Gadea Andrew Creveling New Apparel has Arrived in Stock, 👇You can order here👇

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LOS ANGELES: by popular demand my May 22 show at Zebulon will feature a main set of Syd Barrett songs, echoing the show we did in SF on Syd’s birthday. The encores will be sourced from other great artists of 1966/7. Kelley Stoltz and His Men open the show and back me on the electric section. Come for the past, stay for the future… ... See MoreSee Less

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Hi there.. is there anyway i Can buy that poster? Fg

Next time you're in Melbourne???

Is there tickets available?

Oh, in this special occasions I wish that I at least was living in the states. Its been a long time since you visited Sweden or Denmark - Please bring it here🙏

Muy bien ,Maestro

Genio ❤️

Oh man!!!! Wish I could be there!!!!!

I originally got into Syd because i thought he sounded like Robyn Hitchcock! I guess that parallel has been made many times, although i didn't know that 'back in the day'.


Jeremy Osner

Gosh, I wish I could be there!!

John Aiello Adrian Douglas Butcher Annika Eliasson Tim Strzechowski Pete DelValle Roberto Lavagna Veronica Barrera Esben Bondo Charlie Cammilleri New Apparel has Arrived in Stock, 👇You can order here👇

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