My Day on a Plate: Zara Dampney, GB beach volleyball player

The volleyball player and Olympian packs plenty of protein into her daily diet between tough training sessions

Volleyball player Zara Dampney
Volleyball player Zara Dampney

7am I start with a shot of greens and berries nutrition drink, then porridge with strawberries, made with water. I have dairy in tea and coffee, but try to swap in almond milk at other times.

7.30am An hour’s weights session in the gym, with lots of bench presses and squats. I drink water, then finish with a protein shake.

9am Meet my coach to plan the afternoon’s volleyball session.

12pm After an early breakfast and morning training I’m starving by now. Have a jacket potato with tuna or cottage cheese.

2pm Arrive for a three-hour training session on court. I drink more water and have an apple or pear straight after training.

  • My Day on a Plate: Mia Ritchie, England netballer

6pm I like to have an early dinner: steak, maybe with a bit of blue cheese, and rocket salad with pine nuts, sweetcorn, tomatoes, cucumber and beetroot. Orange and mango squash with dinner.

8pm If I fancy something sweet I have a date, cocoa and nut ball (I make batches and freeze them). Ease out my quads and back with a foam roller while watching TV.


'Lots of protein in Zara’s day is vital for muscle-building and recovery but she’s short on calcium and magnesium-rich vegetables and these are the key minerals for muscle function. All green vegetables are a good source of these minerals, as are coconut water, nuts and seeds. Luckily she likes cocoa balls and pine nuts. Both supply magnesium and both taste great.'

Zara Dampney is a PhD Woman ambassador