
Related to jalouse: dictionary


Scot to suspect; infer
[C19: from French jalouser to be jealous of]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


Past participle: jaloused
Gerund: jalousing

I jalouse
you jalouse
he/she/it jalouses
we jalouse
you jalouse
they jalouse
I jaloused
you jaloused
he/she/it jaloused
we jaloused
you jaloused
they jaloused
Present Continuous
I am jalousing
you are jalousing
he/she/it is jalousing
we are jalousing
you are jalousing
they are jalousing
Present Perfect
I have jaloused
you have jaloused
he/she/it has jaloused
we have jaloused
you have jaloused
they have jaloused
Past Continuous
I was jalousing
you were jalousing
he/she/it was jalousing
we were jalousing
you were jalousing
they were jalousing
Past Perfect
I had jaloused
you had jaloused
he/she/it had jaloused
we had jaloused
you had jaloused
they had jaloused
I will jalouse
you will jalouse
he/she/it will jalouse
we will jalouse
you will jalouse
they will jalouse
Future Perfect
I will have jaloused
you will have jaloused
he/she/it will have jaloused
we will have jaloused
you will have jaloused
they will have jaloused
Future Continuous
I will be jalousing
you will be jalousing
he/she/it will be jalousing
we will be jalousing
you will be jalousing
they will be jalousing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been jalousing
you have been jalousing
he/she/it has been jalousing
we have been jalousing
you have been jalousing
they have been jalousing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been jalousing
you will have been jalousing
he/she/it will have been jalousing
we will have been jalousing
you will have been jalousing
they will have been jalousing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been jalousing
you had been jalousing
he/she/it had been jalousing
we had been jalousing
you had been jalousing
they had been jalousing
I would jalouse
you would jalouse
he/she/it would jalouse
we would jalouse
you would jalouse
they would jalouse
Past Conditional
I would have jaloused
you would have jaloused
he/she/it would have jaloused
we would have jaloused
you would have jaloused
they would have jaloused
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
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Certes, le dicton precite irait bien a ces paradoxes, car il est bien connu dans le comportement social que plus on reussit, plus on jalouse. Cependant, dans le cas d'espece, on est en face de psychopathes qui, a force de voir monter les edifices, la rage maladive monte d'un cran.
Des ecrits en plusieurs langues : tamazight, anglais, arabe et francais....demontrant une ouverture sur le monde de cette jeunesse jalouse. A 15h00, les rues d'Alger centres sont noires de monde.
ISLAMABAD -- The Cine Club of Alliance Francaise and Pakistan National Council of Arts (PNCA) screened French movie 'Jalouse' here late Wednesday featuring human jealousy in a thought provoking way.
ISLAMABAD: The Cine Club of Alliance Francaise and Pakistan National Council of Arts (PNCA) will hold a French movie night screening "Jalouse" here tomorrow (February 20).
Cette rivalite jalouse s'exprime dans la pulsion violente dirigee contre des avortons qu'elle s'imagine devorer, fracturant leur squelette et ornant leur cadavre de plaies purulentes dans une longue tirade susceptible d'etre lue comme l'expression de la haine jalouse d'un enfant face aux rivaux qu'il tente d'eliminer et sur qui il exerce sa toute-puissance divine et meurtriere (pp.
With 10 magazines (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes, L'Officiel Art, L'Officiel Voyage, La Revue des Montres, Jalouse, L'Officiel 1000 ModAaAaAeA?les, L'Offici Shopping, L'Officiel 1000 ModAaAaAeA?les Design, L'Officiel MAaAaAeA@decine and Chiru Esthetique) and its patented technology lofficiel.com, Jalou Media Group is present in more than 80 countries, with more than 44 of its own international editions, representing a positive solution for the evolution of a stable media industry.
She is just 12 but has already done a string of major photoshoots and appeared on the cover of French fashion magazine Jalouse.