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Comune italiano
Asiago è un comune italiano di 6 386 abitanti della provincia di Vicenza in Veneto. Centro principale dell'Altopiano dei Sette Comuni, al confine con il Trentino, fu un tempo capitale della Spettabile Reggenza dei Sette Comuni. Wikipedia
Altitudine: 3.284 ft
Popolazione: 6.429 (2017)
Abitanti: 6 386 (30-11-2020)
Cl. climatica: zona F, 4 163 GG
Coordinate: 45°52′N 11°31′E
Densità: 39,19 ab./km²
Frazioni: Sasso

Le persone hanno chiesto anche
Asiago (Sleghe in cimbro, pronuncia ['zle:gə], Aziago in veneto) è un comune italiano di 6 386 abitanti della provincia di Vicenza in Veneto.
Asiago da en.wikipedia.org
The Asiago region is the origin of Asiago cheese. The town was the site of a major battle between Austrian and Italian forces on the Alpine Front of World ...
Come raggiungere l'Altopiano dei 7 Comuni da · Milano · Verona · Venezia · Vicenza · Treviso · Padova · Bologna · Roma · Bergamo · Trento · Bassano del Grappa.
Asiago da www.belgioioso.com
Each wheel of BelGioioso Asiago is handcrafted and aged over 5 months, producing a sweet, nutty flavor with a hint of sharpness that satisfies but never…
Asiago da www.cellocheese.com
Asiago is a semi-hard cow's milk cheese that originated in Italy. Depending on how long this versatile cheese is aged, it can assume a variety of textures.
Rigoni di Asiago is a family production that has become a company that combines tradition and innovation, respect for nature and healthy pleasures.
Asiago da www.sartoricheese.com
Our Asiagos deliver a nutty flavor with a creamy, buttery finish. Designed to enhance every dish it touches. Taste Notes. Mild with a nutty flavor. Texture.
Asiago da www.wisconsincheese.com
Check out asiago cheese, a fruity and slightly tart, savory cheese that's perfect on your cheese board or grated over nearly any pasta-based entrée.
13 mag 2024 · The meaning of ASIAGO is a cheese of Italian origin that is pungent, hard, yellow, and suitable for grating when aged and mild, semisoft, ...
This traditional Italian favorite was originally developed in its namesake: the village of “Asiago” in northern Italy. Slightly sweeter, smoother and ...