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X (reso graficamente "X"), meglio noto come Twitter (pronuncia in inglese: [ˈtwɪt.ə], pronuncia italiana adattata: [tuˈit.ter]), è un social network e un ...
Twitter was a social media website based in the United States. With over 500 million users, it was one of the world's largest social networks, ...
Valutazione (21.872.013) · Gratis · Android
The X app is the trusted global digital town square for everyone. With X, you can: - Post content for the world to see and join public conversations
Twitter Inc.

Twitter Inc.

Social network
X, meglio noto come Twitter, è un social network e un servizio di microblogging fornito dalla società X Corp. con sede a San Francisco e con filiali a San Antonio e Boston. Twitter, Inc. fu originariamente creato in California, ma nel 2007 passò... Wikipedia
Valutazione (8.594.471) · Gratis · iOS
Unlike Twitter, where conversations often felt like navigating through a crowded, noisy bazaar, X offers a serene, organized agora of thoughts and ideas.