Doping is the act of consuming artificial and often illegal substances to gain an advantage over others in sporting competitions (anabolic steroids, human growth hormones, stimulants and diuretics for example).
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Il doping consiste nell'uso da parte di un atleta di una sostanza illecita, di una droga o di una pratica medica a scopo non terapeutico, ma finalizzato al miglioramento dell'efficienza psico-fisica durante una prestazione sportiva, agonistica e... Wikipedia
doping da www.wada-ama.org
The World Anti-Doping Agency leads the collaborative worldwide movement for doping-free sport. Our key activities include scientific research ...
doping da en.wikipedia.org
In competitive sports, doping is the use of banned athletic performance-enhancing drugs by athletic competitors, as a way of cheating. As stated in the ...
doping da www.sportsmedtoday.com
“Doping” refers to the use of banned substances in competitive sports. Performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) is another term used to for drugs used by athletes to ...
Doping is now a global problem that follows international sporting events worldwide. International sports federations, led by the International Olympic ...
The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Prohibited List outlines the banned substances and methods that are prohibited in sport.
USADA has tools and tips to help athletes at all levels navigate their anti-doping rights and responsibilities.
doping da www.norc.org
The survey found a 2.2 percent doping prevalence rate for the most egregious groups of doping substances and methods—anabolic steroids, peptide hormones, and ...
The doping phenomenon in sports is increasing and diversifying, as are the drugs used for doping. There is a permanent race among those who invent new doping ...
doping da www.wada-ama.org
Our key activities include: ensuring and monitoring effective implementation of the World Anti-Doping Code and its related International Standards; scientific ...