La nostra canzone

La nostra canzone

Episodio televisivo
La canzone che Will e il Glee Club volevano suonare al concorso è stata bandita. Quindi ora vogliono eseguire un pezzo che hanno scritto loro stessi, che è molto malinconico.
Programma: Glee
Scritto da: Ryan Murphy
Data di messa in onda: 15 marzo 2011
Numero puntata: 16
Numero stagione: 2

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The glee club decides to write and perform its own songs in hope of winning regionals; Quinn intends to get Finn back.
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New Directions wants to get an edge at the Regionals and decides to use original songs. Blaine wants to try a new strategy during Regionals.
If you missed the "Original Song" episode of "Glee" that aired March 15, or you want to watch it again, here it is on Playbill.com for your entertainment.
This is a list of original songs that have been featured on Glee, as a song written by one or more characters. The songs are actually written and produced ...
"Original Song" is the sixteenth episode of the second season of the American television series Glee, and the thirty-eighth episode overall.
Start your free trial to watch Glee and other popular TV shows and movies including new releases, classics, Hulu Originals, and more. It's all on Hulu.
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1, Don't Stop Believin' (Glee Cast Version). 2, Can't Fight This Feeling. 3, Gold Digger. 4, Take A Bow. 5, Bust Your Windows. 6, Taking Chances.