Synopsis. On Saturday at 5pm, 25 hours before the wedding, Marshall and his son, Marvin, are taking the bus in the final leg of their journey to Farhampton. In an effort to get Marvin to sleep, Marshall constantly uses rhymes (the entire episode is worded with rhymes), and begins telling stories of his friends.
"Bedtime Stories" is the eleventh episode of the ninth season of the CBS sitcom How I Met Your Mother, and the 195th episode overall.
Valutazione (5.975)
On the bus to Farhampton, Marshall tells Marvin bedtime stories about Ted, Robin and Barney in rhyme.
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As Marshall continues to approach the wedding, he recites three rhyming bedtime stories to Marvin in order to get him to sleep.

Storie della mezzanotte

Episodio televisivo
Marshall e Marvin salgono su un autobus notturno diretto a Farhampton. Nel tentativo di far addormentare il piccolo, Marshall si accorge di aver lasciato sull'auto il libro delle fiabe, l'unico che ha un effetto soporifero.
Data di messa in onda: 25 novembre 2013
Regista: Pamela Fryman
Numero puntata: 11
Numero stagione: 9

25 nov 2013 · The final tale featured Barney, struggling to conquer yet another lady, When he messes with other alter-ego players and his antics get shady.
Valutazione · Recensione di Max Nicholson
25 nov 2013 · ... found out that "Derek Jeter" was in fact Barney, and again, in Barney's story, when it was revealed that his East Side hookup was also Lisa.
25 nov 2013 · There's no particular plot; only three flashback stories, told to little Marvin by his father Marshall to lull him to sleep on the long bus ride ...
25 nov 2013 · Narrator(Bob Saget as Ted) / Marshall and Marvin / were taking the bus / On their way to long island / to meet up with us.
25 nov 2013 · Marshall recounts the story of a beautiful physics professor named Lisa who asked Ted for teaching advice over dinner, only for the gang to ...
26 nov 2013 · This episode saw Marshall falling into Ted's role, poetically telling three tales of the gang to baby Marvin, who can't fall asleep without ...