In Los Angeles, Sawyer works as a police officer obsessed with finding the conman who destroyed his family. Locke sends Sawyer on a recon mission to the other island, where he runs into Charles Widmore and his submarine crew.
"Recon" is the eighth television episode of the American Broadcasting Company's sixth season of the serial drama television series Lost and 111th episode ...
It addresses the fate of Flight 316's survivors after the principal characters leave to go to the main Island, and is the first time the plane has been shown ...
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Jin wakes up and panics, trying to get away before Claire and "Locke" return, but Sawyer admits he's with the Man in Black and persuades Jin to stay, promising ...
Locke sends Sawyer on a recon mission to the other island, where he runs into Charles Widmore and his submarine crew. In Los Angeles, Sawyer works as a ...
The Island plot was a nice complement to the L.A. story. I don't know why I was wondering which side Sawyer was really on, when past experience should have told ...
18 mar 2010 · So Sawyer tells Widmore he'll help him kill Dark Locke, and he tells Dark Locke what he told Widmore to help Dark Locke think he's helping Dark ...
16 mar 2010 · But where the Sawyer of old was a con man, this James Ford is a con-man-catcher: a proud member of the LAPD Bunco Squad, working alongside his ...
Valutazione · Recensione di Chris Carabott
17 mar 2010 · The story switches back to Team Smokie this week as his small army makes camp and prepares for their eventual freedom.
17 mar 2010 · She grabs a gun and gets the drop on him, calling shenanigans on his story about a business investor, saying she recognizes a con man when she ...