The narrative centers on Ben Linus (played by Michael Emerson) as he and the Oceanic Airlines Flight 815 crash survivors at the Barracks come under attack in December 2004, while flashforwards to late 2005 show him recruiting Sayid Jarrah (Naveen Andrews) as a hitman and confronting his enemy Charles Widmore (Alan Dale ...
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Ben is forced to make a choice as Keamy and his team launch their first attempt to capture Ben, while a body washes ashore at the beach.
Summaries · The team from the ship attacks Locke's camp looking for Ben, with Alex as a hostage. · Bernard finds the body of a man on the beach and Daniel ...
Ben, shocked, goes to a hidden room in his house. After he emerges, the Smoke Monster appears and attacks Keamy and his men. The survivors run for the trees.
Valutazione (6.648)
The team from the ship attacks Locke's camp looking for Ben, with Alex as a hostage. The doctor from the ship washes up on shore at Jack's camp.
Valutazione · Recensione di Chris Carabott
25 apr 2008 · This episode mixed a good amount of action with plenty of story development and some pivotal character moments.
25 apr 2008 · The smoke monster! Ben's secret chamber! Random dudes dying by the score! A climactic confrontation between Ben and Charles Widmore in a London ...
29 lug 2024 · This part of the story is mostly exposition, clarifying that Sayid's willingness to help Ben is driven by his belief that Widmore killed his ...
25 apr 2008 · The idea is that there are 12 locations on earth that exhibit similarly mysterious phenomena. These 12 locations include Tunisia and Madagascar.