Intro. Betty discovers Don's cache of photographs, revealing his past life. Meanwhile, the arrival of the brother of Don's new mistress complicates Don's affair while Pryce is told that his boss is selling Sterling Cooper. At the end, Sterling Cooper celebrates its 40th anniversary.
18 ott 2009
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Miss Farrell's troubled brother pays a visit to her and Don, and Betty stumbles onto her husband's secrets.As Sterling Cooper prepares for its 40th anniversary ...
Mancanti: plot | Deve includere:plot
22 ott 2009 · As Betty discovers that she's not the first Mrs. Draper, the scene is set for Mad Men to finally unleash so much of its pent-up, repressed ...
19 ott 2009 · Like Suzanne's story about the child who asked her about how the color blue looks to her, the subplot about the Western Union campaign ...
She asked him to stay all night. Post-coitus, Miss Farrell tells Don about a student who asked how she knows the color blue looks the same as it does to him.
18 ott 2009 · Paul discovers that Peggy is much more talented than he ever gave her credit for - and, worse from his perspective, that she's more talented ...
25 mar 2015 · When Don comes face to face with a young man running away from who he is (Suzanne's brother Danny), he tries to tell him that he can start fresh ...
While Don is away, Betty finds the keys to his private desk, which she has been trying to get into since before Gene was born. It contains Don's shoebox of past ...
19 ott 2009 · What's interesting about this week's episode is how they manage to juggle multiple different storylines, weaving characters like Lane and Kinsey ...