An old flame and potential client reenters Roger Sterling's life, Joan's husband searches for a new job, and Don finally comes clean to Betty about his true identity.
An old flame and potential client reenters Roger Sterling's life, Joan's husband searches a new job, and Don finally comes clean to Betty about his true ...
26 ott 2009 · He's not a simple philanderer either. Or, more accurately, simply cheating with a stewardess who happens to fall in his path leaves him cold.
2 nov 2009 · Marriage and sex bring with them the promise of intimacy, but it often seems like we confuse the former two for the latter all too often.

La zingara e il vagabondo

Episodio televisivo
La Sterling Cooper dà il bentornato a una vecchia cliente, che è anche una passata fiamma di Roger. Betty e i bambini fanno un viaggio insieme. Joan e Greg fanno progetti per il futuro.
Programma: Mad Men
Data Di Messa In Onda: 25 ottobre 2009
17 feb 2020 · Other histories haunt characters in "The Gypsy and the Hobo"; Roger reunites with his old flame Annabelle Mathis (Mary Page Keller), now a widow ...
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26 ott 2009 · The episode depicts is how it is only at a point of desperation, when you see everything in front of your eyes melting away, that you truly turn to the past.
28 feb 2020 · *Ever since his affair with Suzanne Farrell began in (3.09) “Wee Small Hours”, Don Draper had been increasingly dismissive of Betty's presence.
26 ott 2009 · We see an astonishing reversal of the relationship between Don and Betty: her commanding and in control, him diminished and cornered.
25 ott 2009 · Don and Betty morphed into an adult couple sharing adult intimacies as opposed to being a perpetual man child and his vapid trophy wife.